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'watch it!'

lulu, james and will were out climbing up a ladder on the side of the tallest building in the area

'lulu, if this is your great idea then why is it going to get us killed?'

'because wilbur, its more fun this way'

as they reached the top, it was a beautiful veiw of the city at night. it felt as if everything had stopped and as the three of them sat there, lulu raised a question.

'so, why did you guys start music?'

'well for me as you well know lulu, it was just second nature after i got my first guitar. after doing gigs here and there, it felt right, so i started publishing music. and after i joined the smp, everything blew up in ways i cant comprehend, and i think thats what motivates me.'

'what about you james?' lulu asked.

she rolled her head to the other side to look at james. she'd never noticed this but his eyes had tiny gold flecks in them.

,,hmph, cute,, she thought

'well, ive always geown up around music so it was natural for me to kind of play instruments. ive always liked writing music and after gaining a big following on youtube, i decided to relese slow down as my first official song and kinda like wilbur, everythinh went up from there'

lulu was staring at his eyes as he spoke, watching the way they moved and how he spoke. he was realy quite... pretty. men dont usualy get called pretty but she thought it was the right word

'wellll, niki's calling me so im gonna leave you lovebirds to it and head off. ps,' will whispered to james 'i give you permission to date lulu becasue i can tell you think shes fit, ive seen the way you look at her'


lulu looked over to see will grinning and james looking like he'd seen a ghost

'what did you say about me will?'

'nothing' he grinned and pulled himself up from the rooftop

after he left it was me and james.


just peacefully enjoing eachothers company.

i wanted to stay like this.

it was nice

WJAHSUWHEZUS CUTE JAMES AND LULU CONTENT LOVE THAT FOR HER anyways sorry for the weird updates 😵‍💫 love you all!! -kat <33

hey bitchboy- james marriott x oc :)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ