Chapter 1

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Eugeo's POV;

It was 7 am in the morning and I was excited because one of my favourite singers Kazuto Kirigaya AKA Kirito Is coming to the city! How i loved his voice! I woke up and grabbed my bag and started walking to school, I also heard that hes one of the survivors of the deadly game called "Sword Art Online" to be honest that made me curious I wanted to know more about him!


I've arrived at school and I saw my childhood friend Alice, Shes a really nice and kind person! "Good morning Eugeo! You're pretty early today" she said while she waved
And I greeted her with a smile and said "Good morning Alice, you seem pretty excited what for?" She started jumping like a 10 year old which was really cute and funny "KIRITO IS COMING TONIGHT! I CANT WAIT TO SEE HIS CONCERT!!" She quietly screamed. It seems that shes a big fan of him too. "Alice, wanna book some tickets for the concert?" I said Alice nodded, but then the school bell ran which means we had to get to our classes.

After school sorry-

I was outside waiting for Alice, but then I saw a motorbike stop by, and its owner took off his helmet and it seemed like he had black hair, but no it looked so smooth and sily. It seemed like it had like a midnight sparkle. And then I realised it could be kirito I started fangirling Haha- I looked at him and blushed a little. I couldnt stop myself from staring at him hes just so handsome!! And then alice walked by and started waving at me "EUGEO! Sorry I let you wait for too long! I had to help Ms. Mine" and then she stopped for a second and looked at the black haired boy, her eyes widened and took a picture of him I mean who wouldn't, a few seconds later kirito lifted his head towards us, which made me flustered, I turned away but then I heard him giggling

"I see looks like you've caught me" he said I was surprised that he didnt run away "well then ciao!" He rode his motorbike and drove away...

well that was mysterious he looked even better in person... how lovely... I looked back at alice as she looked at her phone with her hand covering her mouth she started jumping like a 10 year old again "OOOO! I CANT BELIEVE IS KIRITOOO! WAHHH HES SO CUUUUUTE" I laughed a bit ad she started at me with an half-angry look and then she started chasing me which gave me a flashback when we were kids


"Eugeoo! You're to fast I cant catch you!" I kept running and laughing while watching alice struggle and then I saw a black haired boy behind the big large demon tree I couldnt remember his face though.. I hid behind him as alice tried to find me but she did "Gotcha! _______ you shouldn't be cheating you cant help eugeo hide! I still hate the fact that I cant remember his name or how he looked.. all I could see is his hair.. "I'm sorry Alice! But I couldnt bare watching you two like that " the boy said while he was laughing

End of flashback bc cut off thing

I just wish I couldve seen that boy's face...

⌢ : ♡ ⤹ ぃ ゚. ﹏﹏﹏

Hello everyone! This is just my very first fanfic, I took some info from other fanfics aswell I couldbt baremyself with not writing one aswell

Sorry I'm not pretty good with English that's why my grammar is messed up!

Anyways ty for reading this have a wonderful day!

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