Wake up call

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My alarm goes off, the ringing tone over and over sends my brain into a whirl. I slam the snooze button to get the beeping to stop, "god I hate mondays." I say faced down into my pillow.

sometimes I wish I could just magically obtain school work without actual going, but its whatever. I sit up from my bed and start to stretch until I hear a pop somewhere. it's getting colder lately and I'm not a huge fan, sure the snow is great but it sucks ass driving through it. I get up and walk to my closet, the cold hard wood floors feel weird under my feet but I ignore the feeling. opening the closet door I peek through to see what I can find "great... i forgot to do laundry, god damnit" I sigh and look at the hamper in the corner of my room "dirty clothes please dont smell that bad."

grabbing thr first thing I see, I smell it, its clean. I guess I did do laundry after all. Putting on a hoodie, t-shirt and some jeans I hear my phone go off, it's a text from my boss. I open the message and it read "hey issa hope this finds you well' it did not but I keep reading 'there a new client and they need a job to get done I told them that you'll be happy to take care of it. heres the number 679-855-2376"

A/N this is not a real phone number. atleast I dont think

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" I wanted to text them no deal I have school, but then again boss always makes sure I'm covered in these situations. so I should be good right? "I'll be on it boss you can count on me :)" I replied. i type the clients number in my work phone and hit call, in the first 3 rings a woman picks up. "hello? who is this?" she had a sweet, sing-song type voice, it sounded fake "uh hello! I'm issa the exterminator, my boss assigned me for your "pest problem." I replied back, it took a few seconds for her to respond back and as soon as she did that sweet voice dropped into a stern and cold one, called it. " oh yes! the exterminator" she goes on to tell me that her wife has been cheating and hiding things from her and shes had enough of it. she tells me the address and sends a photo of the "pest" I say "thank you for choosing our pest control company, we do take pre deposits before hand and the rest will be discussed after the job is done!." an hang up, it's not my ideal monday morning but hey I got outta school so I'm not complaining.

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