finish the job

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"issa you may begin." I was shocked and frozen in place. why couldn't I move? why do I feel bad for this? it's my job I shouldn't be upset. I was feeling pity for Lucia, but Cassandra wasnt having any of it today. she stood up a shook me hard by the shoulder, "ISSA!" she screamed "MAY I REMIND YOU THAT IF YOU WANT YOUR CASH THEN DO AS YOUR TOLD! KILL HER ALREADY!" she let go of my shoulder with a thrust sending my body a few inches forward. "yes ma'am, I'm sorry I got distracted." I sheepishly said, grabbing my axe from out of my bag and unraveling the blood stained cloth that protected the blade from tearing up my bag. at this point the world was in slow motion as I swung back, she gave me free reign but at this point I want this day to be over. Lucia looked at me with a glance of sorrow and tilted her head back to reveal her neck, shes accepted her fate and that just made me feel worse.  this is gonna be on my conscience for a while I thought to myself

I swung, and cut through half of her neck, my axe blade was dull from my last job so this was to be expected. blood gushed out like a red fountain, oozing down her neck as Lucia gasped her last breath. I pulled my axe out and swung again and off came her head, her body started to spasm twitching and jerking like a rabbit who'd been caught. in a few minutes her body slowed its movements and slumped down into the chair, Cassandra stood behind me a watched the whole thing I could tell that she wanted to throw up. walking to the other side of the chair where Lucia's head lay on the floor, I bent down on my knees and closed her eyes. I sat there for a good 5 minutes giving a moment of silence and a small prayer, I didn't know what she believed in so I kept who I was talking to vague. I've always done this since I started this job, I believe that no matter the person that they should still go into the afterlife with respect.

I got up and looked at Cassandra, who while I was praying found herself bestfriends with a trash can, she looked at me and with gasping breath before throwing up again said "how much do I pay you dear?" I start to clean the area before I spoke. "well depends, the deposit you gave covers half of the job, but taking into consideration all the delays and time I'd say you owe me about 2000." she nodded "and what would it be without the cuts due to delays? I wont talk to your boss about the delays, I'm fine paying full price." I tell her full price coverage and she pays me in cash, not may favorite way to get paid but money's money. Cassandra shook my hand and we said our good byes "it was a pleasure doing business with you, make sure to leave a positive rating on our website!" I say as she walks out the door, it was company policy.

about an hour or so later I left apartment 67b, with a trash bag in hand. I intend to bury ms. lucia, I always bury them unless the costumer says otherwise. I take out my phone and tell my boss that the job is complete, this wasnt my ideal monday but when duty calls.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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