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"Mumma..see quack...",Mahira squealed looking at the little ducklings.

Yuvi and Vyom and brought number of little yellow ducklings,stacking them in the open cabinet they made for her in this room.

"They are so cute like you only baby",I said kissing her cheek.

Yuvi,Vyom,Vish,Suhani and Mahir were preparing her room from morning.Painted the whole room yellow in color,fixed her bed,crib,pasted all stickers,glittery lights and her most favorite,ducklings.

I wonder what will she do with so many ducklings,
"See quack..yell..yell..",Mahira was saying.

I was making her eat while she was looking at them working in the room,
"Mahira..last one baby,come on",I said helding her.

"No..mumma..noo..",she turned her face away.

"Mahira..if you will complete that,we will play with all these ducklings",Vish said.

"Mumma..aaaa...",she opened her mouth and we laughed.

"Hmm..good girl",I said making her eat the last morsel.

She ran immediately towards them,
"Dadda..",she ran towards Mahir waving a duck in her hand.

I don't know from where she got these ducklings madness,all because of Suhani only.She used spend a lot of time with her,watching ducks videos and pictures.

"Careful baby",Mahir said taking her in his arm's.

I walked towards them and wiped her mouth,
"Don't you want water Mahira?You are running",I said giving her little water bottle to her.

She took the bottle and started drinking,
"Slowly baby",Mahir said wiping her mouth.

"Mumma..over",she said throwing her bottle across.

And these people bursted out laughing,
"Mahira..what is this?You and your excitement",I said.

"She is so excited for her new room,right Mahira?"Suhani asked and Mahira nodded smiling.

"And she is so small,how will she sleep alone from now onwards?"I asked them.

"Don't worry,we installed baby monitor.She won't disturb your romance from now onwards",Yuvi said and I was red.

"Yuvi..shut up",Mahir said.

After some final touch ups the room was completed,
"Wow..this is so beautiful",I said looking around.

"There are total 275 little ducklings Bela,keep a count on them",Vyom said.

"What?275?"I was shocked.

"Don't you think they are so less?"Mahir asked.

"Mahir..",I said and they all laughed.

"Come on Bela,she loves them.We did our best for her,and look.It worked",Yuvi said.

"Indeed,it's beautiful.You liked your new room baby?"I asked Mahira.

"My..my..",she was shouting in excitement.

"Such a beautiful room",they all sighed looking at it.

"Thank you guys,you people did all this",I thanked them.

"We love our Mahira,and we don't want her to disturb your romance",Vish said wiggling her eye brows.

"Vish..shut up",I said and Mahir looked at me with a smile.

Mahira was so happy that she forgot about our fight,she was normal again.Talking to me and Mahir normally again.

"Mahira..naanu and naani are calling,come here",Suhani said.

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