Her Pain

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Authors pov

Pakhi stood infront of the mirror remembering the scene she has just witnessed..
She didn't know what was More pain full for her the fact that she has loved a selfish Person all her childhood , Or the fact that he never cared about her emotions and has moved on in his new life whereas she was stuck in marriage where she was not even welcomed...

2 hours before

It was finally puja today, it's been 6 days since they all have come to haveli..

Things have been not at all Normal for Samrat and Pakhi, after the car incident Pakhi has avoided Samrat whereas Samrat too avoided Pakhi fearing that he might make her uncomfortable with his presence...

Though Pakhi was somewhere Or the other missing Samrat slightly as usual she choose to ignore it...

Even the slightest touch from Samrat or a brief eye lock would also send shivers down her spine.
It was something she never felt for anyone, not even Virat, infact with Virat she has to always overdo these like forcefully making herself feel that emotion but with Samrat, it would happen automatically..

Even today in the morning when Samrat came out of the washroom fully Dressed in traditional clothes Pakhi couldn't take her eyes off him..

And Samrat was also not less, every day he would purposely sleep after her so that he could graze at her as much as he wants it was his guilty pleasure..

He was in love with this lady and there was no denying that but the fact that even after she was in his life, tied in a relationship which people say last for lives yet she could never be his by her heart because it belongs to someone else...

Today also they Sat in the puja together just because it was giving the people around them happiness...Though Virat and Sai were quite Happy, the Same was not the case with Samrat and Pakhi..

It took them around 8 hours to complete the puja with full rituals...

The puja went fine apart from the fact that when pandit ji asked Samrat to fill Pakhi's mang with the sindoor he didn't because they think Pakhi don't like it and assumed that it will make her uncomfortable he asked her to fill it herself... That kind of made everyone sad, even Pakhi...

Pakhi took this in a completely different way thinking that it was because of his hate he asked her to do it herself...

She didn't know why but she felt hurt , And angry... Angry because her mind and heart were full of confusion because of Samrat, every time they would have an eye lock Pakhi would feel a different kind of sensation pass through her, everyday they both will sleep at the two ends of the bed but when Pakhi will get up in the morning she will have, Samrat's arms around her and her head on his chest hugging him..

As Pakhi was always the first one to wake up she would keep looking at Samrat even after she has told herself several times not to do so..

Every time she was trying to go away from him, something or the other will pull her towards him and no matter how much she denies she too knew that she was getting affected by him..

Both Pakhi and Samrat were assuming things making their already injured heart More wounded..

It was around 7 when they all were back to the haveli, except Samrat as he has gone to do some work.

Pakhi was walking towards her room so that she can change and then relax, and maybe sleep so that she can avoid Samrat.. She was hurt by his today's incident and she knew if he comes infront of her she will last him which she didn't want to do...

Got Someone to Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें