christmas lights abandoned

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One day at school, I met a boy. Or, not really met, more like I talked to him for the first time. And it was wondrous and spectacular and eye opening because he made me really, really think. I felt like trying again. I felt like making relationships and putting myself out there to better the people around me because he showed me that maybe there was more to life than yourself.

And then, one day, he disappeared and never came back. Off to some place I could never follow. Where the trees were always lush and green and the breeze was as gentle as a feather against your skin. An unreachable place.

So I lost all hope. I lost all courage. There was no reason for friendships if I too was soon going to be gone. There was no need for effort if I didn't expect to be there in a month. And selfishly, I hope you'll miss what I was. Miss the memories we made together. But don't miss me. Because I am not one who is worthy of being missed. Not what I am now; a mere shell of the girl you once knew.
I know I'll miss you.


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