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Meaning: Attraction to both males and females

Colors: Blue, Purple, and Pink

Symbolism: Blue symbolizes attraction to males, Pink for females, and Purple for attraction to both genders

Some Notable People: Mad Tsai, Stephanie Beatriz, and Frank Ocean

Some Notable Characters: Luz Noceda, Rosa Diaz, and Blake Belladonna

Other Names: None (that I know of)

Offensive Names: None (that I know of)

History: Much like heterosexual and homosexual themes, bisexuality has been around for a while as well. Throughout history, bisexuality has been something of theories as well as truth, from a theory that founding father Alexander Hamilton had somewhat of a homosexual relation with his close friend John Laurens to a true story where blues singer Bessie Smith had relationships with both men and women in the 1920s. Today, some major celebrities identify as bisexual (or have had relationships with men and women, for the ones who wish to not identify fully as "bisexual") such as Stephanie Beatriz, Auli'i Carvalho, and Tessa Thompson.

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