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Green light surrounded him, killing him. He was glad, he felt no pain and now Voldemort could die. He felt himself leave his body before being pulled elsewhere. He was shoved into something small and cramped after what seemed like an eternity.

He felt like he was floating in some sort of fluid, and though he was sad that he wasn't going to see his parents as he thought he would he was content in his new situation. That was all wiped away when he felt it months later.

The place he was in seemed to contract and push on him. It was only then that he noticed another curled up next to him in the fluid.

The pushing continued on him and the other human in the little place until the other one was gone having been pushed out. The pushing continued until he too was squeezed out.

He heard muffled voices as he cried, having not been able to stop himself from doing so. He was placed next to the other, and it was only the that he realised that both he and the other were babies.

Reincarnation was real, and he had just been reborn.

200 Words

The next chapter will come out in two weeks. Hopefully you liked it!!

Going to Sleep : Book 1 Growing UpWhere stories live. Discover now