Chapter 2

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Harry looked up as Tyler's mum clutched her belly and screamed in pain. He and Tyler ran over to her.
"What's wrong Mom?" Tyler asked.
"I'm not sure exactly, Tyler you go and find your dad and get him to come here. Harry I need you to go get some towels from the bottom cupboard in the family bathroom"
"Okay Mrs Lockwood/mom" Tyler and Harry said before they ran off to do their tasks.

As Harry ran through the doorway he glanced back and saw blood on Mrs Lockwoods dress. Upon seeing this Harry sped up, he wished that his daddy was there to help.

When Harry got back with the towels Mrs Lockwoods dress was soaked with blood. Harry looked on in horror before going over to give her the towels.

"Should I call an ambulance?" He asked her.

"I think that would be a good idea Harry"

Harry nodded before running over to the phone. He dialled 911 and answered all the questions he could when someone picked up the phone. While he was on the phone Mr Lockwood came into the room with Tyler and Mason in tow.

"I phoned an ambulance Mr Lockwood" Harry told him once he noticed they were there.

"Okay that's good Harry, Tyler you man the phone now, and Mason can you go and get some boiled water"

"Yes dad" Tyler said before taking the phone off of Harry while Mason went to follow his brother's instructions.

"Harry your father told me that you helped him when Mrs McKinnon went into labour unexpectedly and that you read some books about it afterwards, so do you think you can go and get the first aid kit in the bathroom next door and then come back through" he said.

"Yes Mr Lockwood" Harry said before running off seeing Mr Lockwood lift up Mrs Lockwoods dress out of the corner of his eye.


When Harry got back through Mr Lockwood was dabbing Mrs Lockwood clean down there with some towels. Harry placed down the first aid kit and found some alcohol wipes that he handed to Mr Lockwood.

"Here you go Mr Lockwood, it will help prevent infection if you use these" he said.

"Thank you Harry"

Mr Lockwood wiped the blood off Mrs Lockwoods vagina. Harry glanced over and saw so much blood.

"Do you think the baby will be okay?" He asked Mrs Lockwood.

"I don't know Harry" she answered.

"The ambulance will be here in a minute" Tyler shouted out as Mason came running through with the boiling water.


When the Ambulance arrived Mr Lockwood left with Mrs Lockwood while it was decided that Mason would look after Harry and Tyler until the Gilbert's came to pick Harry up. As soon as his mum was out of the house Tyler grabbed Harry in a hug before starting to sob. Harry started to rub Tyler's back as tears started to leak out of his own eyes.

Mrs Lockwood was like an aunt to him and was one of his mothers few friends who actually liked him. The rest of his mums friends pretended to like him but it was clear from how when their mum and dad weren't around that they showed so much attention to Jeremy and Elena and none to him unless it was to sneer that they didn't like him.

He felt as Mason picked them both up and carried them to the sofa. He sat with them in his lap, giving them comfort and patiently waited for them to calm down. Eventually, Tyler lifted his tear stained face from Harry's shoulder.

"What's going to happen to Mom and the baby?" He asked his uncle.

"I don't know Tyler, your dad will phone to tell us as soon as he knows what's going on" Mason answered.

"But what if they don't get to the hospital on time and mom dies"

"Your mom won't die Tyler, I'm sure your dad wouldn't let her do something like that" Harry said.


"Yeah, if anything I think the baby is more at risk since babies are so depicate, like fine china mum says. Your moms really strong, do you remember the time that she stood up to Kelly when she was drunk and that when Kelly tried to punch her your mom just grabbed hold of her hand and stopped her like it was nothing"

"Yeah your right moms strong, I hope Hannah is going to be okay though"


There was silence for a few minutes before Mason spoke.

"Well now that you kiddies have calmed down how about I cook you some chicken nuggets and fries"

"Okay" Tyler and Harry said in unison.


It was only a few hours later that they received both some good and some bad news. The good new was that Mrs Lockwood was fine and all being well would be home in a few days. The bad news was that the baby didn't make it, she had been alive at first but died soon after being born because she was so premature.

Apparently what had happened to Mrs Lockwood was called Placental Abruption and that meant that the placenta had separate from the uterus unexpectedly. In Mrs Lockwoods case it had been severe Placental Abruption as 80% of the placenta was separated. It was also recommended that they didn't try for a baby again as it was more likely to occur in someone who had already had it.

They had all cried again upon learning this and when the Gilbert's came to pick Harry up Tyler refused to let go of Harry until forced.
That was the day that Harry Johnathon Gilbert vowed to do all he could to become a doctor.


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