Chapter 1

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Six months after being born Harry had finally noticed several changes to his new body when compared to his previous one. It was also around this time that Harry got a bad eye infection.

One of the differences was that he didn't seem to know English in this body, instead of thinking in words he though in feelings and pictures thought he wasn't sure if this was just to do with being a baby or something that would stay with him.

Another difference that he was aware of was that he could see better in this form than he had ever been able to without his glasses in his previous life. Even after his eye infection.

The final and, to Harry, most important difference was that in this form he didn't have a penis. He was sure that he was still a boy, he certainly still felt like one, but his body didn't match with that.

He was very confused about it all and resolved himself to asking his new parents about it as soon as he was able.


When Harry was ten months he finally started to figure out the words said around him. It was then that he learned the names of himself and his identical twin sister, it turned out his parents had named him Holly and his sister Elena.

He and Elena got along as well as babies could. They did everything together and Elena refused to sleep without Harry lying next to her. From looking at Elena Harry found out what he looked out, though from what he had puzzled out from what his parents said he had green eyes as an apparent result of his eye infection.


Harry spoke his first word at 2 years old, and after that never seemed to stop speaking. His parents found it amusing, and loved being called mama and papa by Harry as Elena called them Mommy and Daddy.

When Mama had progressed onto being Mummy they had been surprised but they both thought that Harry just had difficulty saying O's. They never would have suspected that it was in fact because to Harry 'mommy' sounded wrong while 'mummy' sounded right.


When Harry was two he was confronted by his different body again as he now had a baby brother. He loved his baby brother as did Elena after she got over her jealousy of her and Harry no longer being the centre of attention.

His parents gave them all baths together which freaked him out a bit as he saw what he felt was missing whenever he had a bath with his brother and felt a great feeling of loss and discomfort, though he wasn't sure why having forgotten most of his former life at this point.


When Harry was three he finally brought up his feelings about his body to his mother.

"Mummy, why's my body wrong?" Harry asked his mum.

"What do you mean baby? Are you talking about your eyes?" She asked gently.

"No" Harry said shaking his head.

"Then what is it?" She asked confused.

"Why am I like Elena and not like Jeremy?"

"Because you and Elena are twins sweetie you are bound to look alike" she answered.

"Not like that, I mean down here" he said with his hand on his crotch.

"That's because you're a girl sweetie"


"What do you mean Holly?" She asked looking confused.

Going to Sleep : Book 1 Growing UpWhere stories live. Discover now