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You're 15 and you are allowed

to have feelings,

Attraction, Infatuation, Drama

is the only thing you find interesting.

You try and maintain your distance

from overly dramatic people,

But every now and then you want drama

in your life to make yourself feel alive.

"Imperfections, Insecurities"

everyone has them.

Some are able to hide well, some don't.

People you idolize, Perfect people,

even the ones you think are better, prettier, merrier.

At some point or another, they've also

found themselves looking for answers to why they feel inferior.

We are always trying to convince people,

satisfy them with our answers, justifying our opinions.

In hope that this might make us

feel at ease.

Everyone wants to be unique

but don't like to be called different.

Win a race, no one is running,

trying to be attractive and funny.

Immature acting like the most experienced people

on the earth,

Mature ones want to be immature again, gain

their innocence again.

Everyone wants to be someone they are not,

get something they don't have.

Don't care about what they already got,

living their lives like the files in their drafts.

 I Don't Know YetWhere stories live. Discover now