Chapter 18

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Yall read my new book. Ion think so. Title up there in the Mm or down by the side on the computer.


Waited for him to wake up. He never did. All night I cried my eyes out. This is my only family left. The only family that loves and care about me.

"Hello Ms. Moore. Maybe you can call someone and head home. We-"

"I'm fine thank you. " I said.

" Okay. " the nurse said as she check his vitals and left.

Few moments later there was a knock. I look and it was Rj. I felt bad because I went off on him. I went off on everyone. I motion for him to come in and he did.

"I'm sorry." I said as he hugged me.

"I'm sorry too. " he said sitting down.

" I hate waiting. "

" Looking at him ain't gonna make him get up any quicker. Go home get some rest and come back. "

" No. "

" Fine then. Don't go wash yo pussy and brush yo stank ass breath"

"Fuck you"

"I ain't fucking dirty pussy. "

" Nah you too busy fucking pregnant pussy"

"Yea you think"

"You can leave if you think imma leave"

"If yall don't shut the fuck up. Even in a damn hospital a nigga can't get sleep. "

" Oh my gosh Drew! Nurse!!! " I yelled.

" Nice seeing bruh" Rj laughed as he dapped him. I rolled my eyes and went to get the nurse.

I can back and she ask him basic questions. She went to get the doctor and when came back he said that Drew could be release Saturday.

"Damn imma miss the homecoming game. Coach gonna kill me his damn self"

"He'll be fine. I'm just happy your okay" I told said hugging him.

"Real nigga don't die. " he joked.

" We gonna talk about it. "

" Nope" he said as he shifted.

"Well now that I know your okay Drew, Imma head home" Rj said.

"Take My with you. "

" No" I said.

"Go home and get fresh and come back in your car. " he said.

" Okay. Fine. I'll be back in twenty." I said. I kissed him on the cheek and walk out with Rj.

The car ride was silent. When we got there I went to go open the door and he put it on child lock.

"Really nigga" I said.

"Yup, since you wanna act childish. "

" I'm not. I just wanna go home. " I said.

" Not until we talk"

"What's there to talk about. "

" Us. What's going on"

"I just felt disrespected"

"Nothing happen between us. "

" Okay. May I go now. "

He didn't say anything. He unlocked the door and I got out. I went to say bye but he drove off so quick. I watch him leave and went inside. What a stressful morning.

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