Chapter 21

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**2 Months Later


This was it. I was going through labor. My heart was beating as I called Rj. The pain was so unbearable. Something just didn't feel right.

"Hello" he said sleepily.

"I-I- I'm in labor! "

" I'm on my way. Stay calm. " he said.

I put the phone down and try to slow my heart rate. Ten minutes later he busted through the door. I was drench in sweet and tears.

" Come on I got you. " he told me.

I couldn't speak. He picked me up and led me to the car. On the way there he called his family letting him know it was time. My eyes started to drift off.

I woke to the sound of doctors swarming around me. I couldn't see clear. I couldn't hear clearly. Everything looked like a blob. Everything sounded like I was underwater. Am I drowning?

"Come on we're losing them! " someone yelled.

Them? Aren't I suppose to push. I tried pushing but I couldn't feel anything past my neck. I tried raising my hand. Most I could do is wiggle my finger. Something isn't right.

I heard the little machine beeping. My eyes was getting heavy again. I can't go to sleep again. I gotta give birth to my baby. I open my mouth to speak. Nothing came out. My body was on fire my inside was killing me.

I saw them lift something. They cut something and wrapped it and ran off. Was that my baby. Why was she so blue.

"My baby... " was all I got out

" It's gonna be okay Ms. Smalls. We are gonna try our best... "

I couldn't hear the rest. The best of what? What was going? I started crying. Nobody was telling me anything. My head hurts. This isn't how labor is suppose to be. Something is wrong!

I woke up and the light blinded my eyes. I looked around and no one was here. Is it over. I gave birth. I pressed the button to call a nurse and people came rushing in.

"What's wrong Ms. Smalls.? " a nurse ask.

" Where's my baby. Can I see her? " I ask. I was so excited to see her.

" I'm sorry-"

"Stop can we be alone" Rj ask interrupting the nurse.

She shook her head yes and they all left the room. Rj can and sat by me. I could tell from his body language something wasn't right. He took my hand and looked at me.

"What's going on Rj? " I ask.

" We were so close to having her" he said.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"Baby she died" he whispered.

"No! No! NO SHE DIDN'T!! "

"She died right in my arms."

"Your lying. I saw her! Where us my baby?! "

" Jaquncia! She. Is. Dead. " he said.

" Nooo" I cried out.

"I'm sorry baby" he said hugging me.

It's all my fault. I didn't walk enough. I didn't eat as healthy as I was suppose to. It was all my fault. My child is gone. And I didn't even get to say goodbye.


I knew something wasn't right when we got to the hospital. They rushed her in a room and they wouldn't let me go in. I watched through the window. Jaquncia slipped in and out of consciousness. Moments later my baby girl was born.

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