It was never meant to be...

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(Helen's point of view) [ Gift for @Elder_Helen ]

I looked over to the passed out body of Paris in shock, but I didn't show it. " Geez, what is your beef with her?" I asked, gesturing to her "what's my problem?! My problem is that she has lived the life I've dreamed of having but instead, I live a horrible life, my father always tried to make me be EXACTLY like him!! and no matter what I tried, she always ended up with a happy ending! Its my turn to have a happy ending!" Not Paris shouted.

" So... Bad childhood? I mean, I get why you would be upset about your early life, I mean what idiot would name their child ' Not Paris?'" 

" Wow, that's rude to say to the father" Someone said as they came out of the shadows "Everyone, meet my father, Nightmare but Paris and Dream already know him!" Not Paris introduced "Hey Nightmare, you're a bad father!" I yelled " yeah, no kidding" Not Paris smiled "by the way, you might wanna check on Paris, she's have a bad Dream.... Of you all dying, Betraying, killing and just turning on her!" She said as she laughed and gestured over to Paris, "Paris! wake up! wake up!!" Rachel yelled as she Ran over to Paris "shut it." Not Paris said as the red strings unraveled from Paris and grabbed Rachel.

(Rachel's point of view)

As I was trying to get near Paris, the strings grabbed my legs, arms and neck and pulled me back, It hurt like hell, trying to fight it was just useless, Paris finally woke up in a scare, she looked like she was gonna have a Panic attack, She got her breath and looked over to me in worry, "RACHEL! WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T THINK ABOUT THE PAS-" She stopped as Nightmare grabbed her and covered her mouth, she tried to fight him and yelled but he was too strong for her, The second she said that, the first thing came to mind was.... Sapnap 

"Here we go!! Something deep from Rachel's past!" Not Paris yelled, the strings finally let me go and projected The Day.....

[Many years ago](Sapnap's point of view)

As I was Walking around the Nether, looking for some Netherite when I heard a child crying, I ran to where I heard the crying and saw a small child with red and orange and green eyes, she had small scars and burns all over her, I look around to see is anyone left her alone or forgot her "what's you name, kid?" I asked and I carried her "R-Rachel..." The little girl sniffed "where are you Parents?" I asked again "T-they l-left me..." she sighed "don't worry, I'll be your new Dad!" I said in a happy tone and hugged her "Ok, Dad!" Rachel said as she hugged him back, Turns out the kid is also a Blaze Hybrid, She's fit right in.....

(Present time, Rachel's point of view)

"STOP! PLEASE!! I DON'T WANNA REMEMBER!!" I Yelled as I covered my eyes and began to cry but not normal tears, FIRE tears, one of the things of being a Blaze Hybrid. "THAT'S IT! YOU MESS WITH MY FRIENDS, YOU MESS WITH ME!" Cris yelled as he grabbed a sword and Shield and Ran at full speed to Not Paris "Your turn now" Not Paris said as she stuck her hand out to Cris and the strings wrapped around him too "time to see YOUR past" She said with a mischievous grin  [THUNDER]

(Years ago, Karl's point of view)

"That's the last time I go to the future to Stop George but maybe I shouldn't go TOO far or else-" "Papa" I got cut off as I saw a kid with brown hair and brown eyes, he wore a all blue Jacket with a lighter blue swirl on the front, like mine "oh, hi there" I greeted "Papa, I thought you said you'd stop time-traveling! in case you forgot, like always, I'm your son! Cris!" the kid said "must be my kid from the future, well, I don't see the harm in keeping him here in the present" I muttered "ok Son, wanna come to Kinoko?" I asked "Where Dad, Lil sis and UncleNotfound are? ok!" He said 

(Present, Cris's point of view)

"wait... that's how I?... Dad, is this true?..." I kept stuttering as I turned to Karl "yes! turn on each other!!" Not Paris yelled "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" Shouted a female, she a very Tall, same description as the Woman Helen talked about named Mumza "Hi Death!" Helen yelled 

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