Chapter 1

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      In the mirror I watched Sam turn the water off and step out of the shower. Water droplets coated his muscular chest, and I was definitely enjoying the view. 

     We had been living together for the past six months and I never got tired of seeing him naked. When the lease on my apartment was up Sam asked me to move into his house. I was basically living here anyway, we just made it official. 

     I had been a vampire for exactly one year today. I definitely wasn't living up to the expectations that were put upon me after Amee had been such a spectacular vampire. There were also a lot of things that had been kept a secret from me while I was still human, and I was still learning them slowly.

      For example, I had to register with the government as a vampire. Apparently high up officials knew that we existed and there was an ultra secret sector of the government called the Federal Bureau of Supernatural Affairs. All supes had to be on file at the FBSA or risk getting sentenced to death. 

     The government had been aware of the supernatural community since before the US government was even created. They were dead set on making sure our existence remained a secret and almost all of our laws regarding secrecy came directly from FBSA. 

      Another thing that I found out is why the vampires chose to protect me, even before knowing I was pregnant by a were. My twin had amazing and rare vampire powers, and the rare powers usually ran in families. When they found out Amee had a twin they decided to try to convince me to join the dark side. I'm still waiting on the cookies that are supposed to be here. 

      They still wouldn't tell me why Amee was so special, but they obviously had high hopes for me. As a vampire, I was a dud. Up until about a month ago I was basically a human who had to drink blood every couple of weeks. Though recently I've developed an amazing sense of smell. My eyesight is the same, I'm not any stronger or faster. The only thing that was different was my fangs and my inability to control them. Almost all vampires could control them, so that is basically the only thing rare about me.

     They pop out during random times almost every day. I haven't been able to pinpoint what triggers it so I've decided that nothing triggers it. Unfortunately because of this I have to be careful around humans, and that has gotten so tedious that I simply don't go out in public anymore. 

      I quit my job with Bill, which was really upsetting. I haven't seen him or any of my friends in months. Ruth thinks it's Sam being controlling and she's begged me to leave him. I wish I could explain that Sam has been nothing but wonderful and it's my own choice. I can't have my fangs popping out while I'm in court. 

      If my lack of vampire powers bothered Sam, he does a really good job hiding it. He's been my rock this past year and I couldn't imagine my life without him. I don't know how I would have made it through without his shoulder to cry on and his arms to comfort me. He held me together while I fell apart and he's the main reason I have more good days than bad ones now. 

      One of the best parts is that he's the muscle and my source of info in my plan for revenge. He's been working with Brian to find out exactly who attacked us the night Cordelia died, and so far we have a dozen names and descriptions. Now we just need a plan.

      This day was a bittersweet day. Sam and I had plans to celebrate Cordelia's first birthday, and even though it wouldn't be a traditional first birthday, I was still going to do the typical mom stuff. 

      I continued to carefully apply my make-up as Sam dried himself off. I wanted everything to be perfect today. 

    "You better put some clothes on or you're going to make us late." I told him when I noticed him watching me. 

    "It's still early, I have plenty of time to get dressed." Sam said as he closed the gap between us and put his arms around my midsection. His scent nearly overwhelmed me, I love how Sam smells. It reminds me of the calm of the ocean just after a huge storm. 

      "I'm not worried about how long it's going to take you, I'm worried about your bare chest distracting me." 

     "It's not my fault you're attracted to my man boobs." He said with a grin. 

     "Yes it is. Now cover up your man boobs before I lick them." 

     "What if I want you to lick them?" Sam asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

     "You're impossible." I told him. 

     "Impossibly handsome and sexy." He replied. 

     I rolled my eyes. "If you say so." 

     Sam laughed and let go of me so he could put his clothes on. I watched him pull his pants on and button them before I remembered I was supposed to be finishing my mascara. 

      "Okay, I'm ready. Do I look okay?" I asked. 

      "Babe, you're even sexier than I am." He said and kissed the top of my head. 

      "So you're saying I could have done better?" I teased. 

      Sam clutched his chest. "Your words wound me."

     I laughed at our antics and walked out of the bathroom into our adjoining bedroom. I put my socks and shoes on and found my purse. 

     "I'm ready when you are." I called to Sam in the bathroom. A few minutes later Sam joined me and put his own shoes on. 

     "Let's go." He said and took my hand. 

      We continued our playful banter while we had breakfast at our favorite cafe, and then later while we were shopping for a gift for Cordelia. 

     Once we found the perfect gift we stopped at a florist and picked up our special order. We had asked them to make a wreath of flowers with a ribbon that said happy first birthday. We weren't too picky, we just asked them to make it pink and purple. It turned out beautiful, they did a good job. 

      After getting the flowers, we headed out of town to where my daughter was buried. I don't know how, but the drive seemed to take forever and pass really fast at the same time. We came out here every couple of weeks so the scenery was familiar. 

      When Sam stopped the car and put it in park my anxiety skyrocketed. I felt my heartbeat speed up and suddenly I didn't want to get out of the car. That was something I was a little surprised to learn, vampires have heartbeats. 

      "Are you okay?" Sam asked me, noticing my hesitation and hearing the spike in my heart rate. 

      I nodded but didn't say anything. I could do this. 

     "We can come back if you're not ready." Sam told me. 

      "I'm ready." I said with a weak smile. " Let's go." 

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