Chapter 14

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     I was alone when I woke up. Sam's side of the bed was cold, so I knew he had been up for a while. I looked at the clock and saw that it was noon, and normally I hate sleeping this late, but today I was glad. It was less time that I had to feel anxious.

     I took a shower, tamed my hair, and got ready for the day. When I went downstairs, I didn't see anyone, so I decided to have some cereal before I looked for anyone. When I got into the kitchen, I saw Amee there, and she was making something. 

     "What are you doing?" I asked.

      She looked up from the bowl of ingredients she was stirring and smiled. "I decided to get a head start on dinner. We're going to have a house full, and I want everyone to be properly fed."

      "What's on the menu?" I asked.

      Well this is going to be biscuits, and I'm also going to be getting some spices ready for a roast. There's fruit in the fridge that I'm going to make a fruit salad with, and there's potatoes on the stove for potato salad. I'm also going to be making mac and cheese a little bit later." She answered, adding what looked like flour to the bowl.

     "Well look at you being Susie housewife," I said. "I didn't realize you like cooking enough to make a dinner this big."

     "I used to hate it because I never really had a kitchen to call my own, but as soon as I got one, I taught myself some stuff, and now I love it." She shrugged.

      "Same," I said with a smile. "I'm gonna have some cereal; do you want me to help you after I'm done?" 

     "Sure you can chop up the fruit."

      "So where is everyone else?" I asked, pouring lucky charms into a bowl and then topping it off with milk.

      "Most of them went shopping for some supplies, but there's a couple people around here somewhere. When they get back, we'll have to introduce you to everybody." She said, adding more flour and mixing. 

    I nodded. "That sounds good; I've been wanting to meet more vampires. It gets lonely not having many friends."

      Amee stopped stirring and looked at me. "I suppose it would. We'll have to work on controlling your fangs, then maybe you won't be cooped up all the time."

     "If you have any secrets, I'm all ears," I said between bites of cereal.

     "I've been asking around, but I haven't gotten any solid advice yet," she admitted. "Most people seem to think that it's a new vampire thing, like how some can't be in the sun at first. Others seem to think that it's just one of our powers that we get when we're turned, and it'll just take a little while to develop."

     "I guess that makes sense; it's happening less frequently now," I said.

     "That's what I'm hoping for since it has taken you quite a while to develop any type of vampire powers. It could just be that you're defective," she joked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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