Chapter 9

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     Sam and Mark went into Sam's office for a while leaving me to entertain myself. I decided to binge watch some TV until Sam was done for the day and could entertain me. I made myself a sandwich and grabbed a now iced cinnamon roll and curled up on the couch to start my mini marathon. 

     I was licking the last of the icing off my fingers when my phone started to ring. The caller ID let me know that it was my twin interrupting my criminal justice show. 

      "Hello?" I answered, trying not to get my phone sticky.

      "I'm sorry, things ran later than I expected. I was able to book a red eye and my plane gets in at 6am. Will you be able to pick me up or should I plan to take an Uber?" Amee's chipper voice said. 

      "I don't have anything going on, I'd be happy to pick you up." I told her.

     " Okay cool, I'm packing now. Anything specific that I should bring?"

     "The only thing I can think of is an all black outfit and shoes that aren't heels." I said, quickly trying to think of anything else I might need her to bring. 

      "Ooh, mysterious." She joked. "Okay so spy attire, anything else?"

      "Not unless you want to have a girls night out, but honestly I'm not sure if there's going to be time."

      "Okay, I'll bring my little black dress too. I have a lot to pack so I'm going to get that done and take a nap, if you think of anything else just text me."

      "Okay, I'll see you soon. Love you."

      "Love you too, bye!" 

     After we hung up I got up and washed my hands and put my plate in the dishwasher before resuming my tv marathon. I set an alarm on my phone for 5 am before getting sucked into the drama of cops and robbers. Or more accurately, cops and murderers.

     "Whatcha watching?" Sam asked, making me jump. 

     I had been so engrossed with the third episode of the show that I hadn't heard him come up behind me. 

    "You scared me." I said trying to get my heart rate under control. "I'm studying up on how to get away with murder, just in case."

     "What?" Sam asked, confused. 

     "These crime shows. They teach us how murders are solved so we know what types of things to avoid to get away with it." I explained. 

      Sam laughed. "What have you learned so far? And who are you planning on killing?"

     "No plans right now, but it's good to always be prepared." I joked. "Rule number one, leave no evidence. Tuck your hair in a hat, wear gloves, and don't touch anything unnecessary. Rule number two, leave your phone at home. They can trace your location through your phone, this helps provide an alibi. Which brings us to rule number three-"

     "It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into this." Sam interrupted. "I'm not sure if I should be scared or impressed."

      "Why not both?" I teased. 

     "Now that you mention it, I am both." 

     "Good." I said, following with my best Dr. Evil laugh, which honestly, still wasn't very good.

     Sam started laughing, and after a second I joined in. It took a moment for us to calm down, but eventually Sam got his serious face back under control. 

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