I almost died /hj

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hey besties hows it goin

brooo so i had a bad stomach ache all day but I usually have stomach aches so I just brushed it off and hoped it would go away like it usually does. anyways I went to school and it didn't get better but your girl is only academically smart so she still brushed it off. 

Fast forward to lunch time, I was I'm the lunch line having a good time with kids I know and such. as we got closer, the smell of food was stronger and it made me feel like I would throw up.

unable to shake the feeling, I walked back to my lunch table. but as I was walking back I got really dizzy, like my legs were heavy jelly and I was seeing doubles. i felt myself begin to sweat.

I pulled out to text my mom to pick me up (for people being like "why don't you go to the nurse" she would be obligated to send me home and id have to get a negative test and 1. I got one recently 2. i hate those things bc they hurt) and she told me to go to the nurse and she'd be here asap.

a person at my table heard and they went to go get a teacher. when the teacher touched my back she said i was burning up and i needed to get to the nurse asap.

fast forward a few hours, I'm laying down on the couch half asleep reading the titans curse and my mom goes to take me to get a test and i was scared bc that shit hurts but the one they did didn't go deep so it wasn't that bad and i got Milkyway Midnight out of it. 

as I'm writing this, I'm still not hungry (but i ate dinner because my parents told me to and all i had to eat that day was strawberries and crackers) but i feel a bit better, just extremely tired. I genuinely thought i might die but it makes for good storytelling. so anyways, that was how my day went. maria signing off ^-^

also the fact that semifinals for soapbox was on Thursday and we still don't know who won angers me but yk i cant do anything about it except be nervous as hell.

388 words

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