Telling the parents

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The students had gone home and explained what had been discussed in class about the trip to Transylvania.

Needlessly to say, the parents pretty much freaked out, and some of them almost fainted.

When Alex told his parents about the trip, all they said was: "Good. Go. Maybe they'll be able to scare you into being straight."

Bobby and Carrie's parents went back and forth, quietly arguing, but in the end they decided to wait and see at the meeting at the school.

In the Patterson household, Luke had decided to explain the trip to his mom and dad, as they sat down to eat spaghetti and meatballs. Luke didn't exactly wanna tell them about the trip, seeing as his mother had the tendency to overreact at the simplest things. She thought that Luke was wasting his life with Alex Bobby and their band Sunset Curve.

Luke decided to discuss it first on their own, before the school-wide parent meeting, later on in the week. And it wasn't even decided if the school went or not, yet.

"So, mom, dad. The entire school is thinking about going on a trip." Luke said as he nervously poked at his food with his fork.

"That's great, honey. Where would you all go?" Emily asked as she smiled and twirled some spaghetti around her fork.

Luke didn't really wanna answer Emily's question, so he tried to sugarcoat it before telling his parents where the trip would take place.

"It's an all-expenses paid trip, and the parents are alowed to come along as chaperones."

Both Mitch and Emily's curiosity peaked, as their son didn't answer Emily's question.

"Where would the trip be?" Mitch asked, but Luke still didn't give any of them a straight answer.

"And there's a lot of rich history to the country itself. Not to mention the scenery. And the music. It would truly be an amazing experince. There's also..."

Emily cut off her son.

"Luke, Where would the trip take place?" Mitch and Emily both gave Luke their full attention.

Luke sighed and summoned up his courage.

"Transylvania." He spoke loud and clear, leaving no amount of doubt.

Sillence filled the room, as both parents looked at each other and their son in shock.

The room remained silent for at least five minutes, before Luke decided to tell them more about the trip, or well, maybe-trip.

"Apperently, there's a hotel in Transylvania for monsters, and the Count who owns it, has decided to open up the hotel for one school for the entire summer, as a form of social experiment. To see if humans and monsters can live together in peace and without fear."

His parents said nothing, so Luke thought that they were still getting over the shock, but he chose to continue.

"Every school in the world has been getting an invitation, but ours is one of the very few that's still deciding. There'll be a meeting at school about the trip and any information, we might need to make the decision on wether or not we should go."

Emily had snapped out of it, as she looked sternly at her son.

"You're not going." Was all she said as she turned back to her food.

Emily's response made both Luke and Mitch look at her.


"Mom..." both father and son said.

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