The Downhearted

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Unbeknownst to the rest of the occupants of the cell, Merlin was trying his best at non-verbal magic to stop the bleeding or at least wake Arthur up. But it was of no use. Merlin hung his head even lower and did his best to not cry as Arthur's face grew even more paler. His dirty blond hair was stuck to his pasty skin and Merlin gently parted Arthur's hair from his sweaty forehead.

"Come on, dollop-head. You better wake up if you want us all to get out of this place. And you better not let a stupid stab wound be your last battle wound, you prat."

In the relative silence Merlin whispered so quietly and heart-brokenly that it worried the others even more. If their only physician sounded so hopeless, they were much more acutely concerned for their King's life.


After hours of trudging through the uneven terrain, Merlin sighed as he dropped all the hunting gear that he had been carrying and plopped onto the ground tiredly. They had managed to catch two rabbits and a small stag. The group of knights and the King had decided that it was enough for their lunch and promptly dropped their game in front of Merlin after they had arrived back at the camp.

"Come on Merlin, get your lazy backside up and have all this cooked by lunchtime."

"At least start skinning them, will you? I always do all the work and you don't even let me have any in the end." Merlin groaned out and got up to ready all his secret ingredients from his bag and went to get some water from the stream that they'd come upon earlier.


Merlin and all the knights straightened up as they heard a dragging sound outside their cell. Gwaine sat up abruptly and shifted to be in front of Arthur and Merlin along with Lancelot as the noise got closer. It was a screeching noise like someone dragging an axe through a rocky floor and it chilled them to their bones. 

As all of them looked on at the metal bars of the cell, the tense silence thickening even more, they first saw fire from a torch light up the corridor then a hooded figure appeared from the darkness to stand right in front of their cell. The man spoke in a deep, hoarse voice.

"Your King has been requested for an audience with My Lady, Morgana."

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