13- Dear Cupid, You're Fired. -13

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(Tw: Graphic descriptions of violence)

"I wanna scream." Kenny said suddenly.

Butters looked over "Why?" He asked. Kenny shrugged "I don't know. I feel like nobody ever gets a chance to just- like- scream. As looooud as they can." Kenny said, dragging out his words to seem more dramatic. Butters smiled "Well, we're all alone. Why don't you do it now?" He asked. Kenny shook his head "Nah. The people around here would worry. That's always the problem, people. I just wanna be in like- a void. Or a sound proof room where I can just scream as loud as possible." Kenny explained. Butters nodded "Yeah, that'd be nice."

The pair were sitting a little ways away from Starks Pond on a cliff over a deep frozen over lake. They were sitting under an old weeping willow tree looking across the misty pond. Kenny sighed and leaned his head on Butters'. Butters jumped a little and laughed. Butters laced their fingers together, leaning into Kenny.

"What are we?" Kenny asked.

Butters paused before smiling "We're friends, Ken!" "Alright." Kenny said. Butters could almost hear the smile in his voice, one thing Butters admires about the other so much. Kenny's lopsided smile. It was so endearing, so welcoming. When Butters saw him smile like that, it felt like he was home.

"It's too bad though." Butters said, pulling away completely. Kenny frowned "What do you mean?" He asked. Butters frowned, standing up and walking behind Kenny "That I have to do this." Kenny's hands began to shake, the taller teen turning around to face Butters. Kenny found that he suddenly couldn't move. "D-Do what?" Kenny asked. Butters looked down at him, his eyes looking right through the taller. "This." Butters said, pushing Kenny off of the cliff. Kenny screamed as his body crashed through the ice. He tried to swim up but suddenly found that he was paint pulled down. The waters temperature felt like cold knifes stabbing into his skin. Kenny struggled and gasped for air.

"GAH!!!" Kenny woke up, breathing unevenly.

It was just a dream

"O-Of course. Butters would never do that." Kenny said, getting out of his bed. He walked down the hallway and into the kitchen before halting. He convinced himself he was just being paranoid, he turned the corner and found...


Was dead..

"Wh... What..?" Kenny said in disbelief. Everybody.

Everybody he knew was dead in there.


Blood everywhere.

Although, upon closer inspection, they were all still alive. Kenny stumbled back "What the-" He was interrupted by something grabbing his ankle. He whipped around and saw his little sister covered in blood, cut and bruised everywhere. Blood pooled in her mouth, pouring down her face. Her head looked as if it was smashed in with a metal bat, dented and all one solid colour. Her hair was matted with blood and it ran down her face. "Ken... ny..." she said, her voice gargling with blood in her throat.

Kenny's breathing became rapid, he couldn't move a mussel. "Help... me..." she pleaded, her grip tightening, digging her nails into his ankle. "Help me..." she repeated, standing up and using Kenny as support. She gripped his wrist hard. "What have you done...?" She asked. "What...?" Kenny questioned.

He glanced down at himself only to find that he was also covered in blood. Their blood. He was holding that same metal bat. "I did this...?" Kenny asked Karen. "Of course... you did." Karen said "You did this to us." She said. Kenny dropped the bat "No! No I didn't! I didn't do this! I didn't!!" He said. Karen dug her nails even harder into his wrist, drawing blood making direct eye contact with him. Her glossy eyes stared into his blue ones.

"Then why is our blood on your shirt?" She asked, with no trace of the strain that it took for her to speak before. She asked it with the coldest tone he had ever heard.

And then it all went black.


"AHH!! Oh my- oh my god.." Kenny cried out. He looked around frantically, pinching himself to make sure that this wasn't a dream. He felt the pain so he thought it was safe to assume this wasn't a dream. He was at Tokens house. A sleepover. Due to his break down the other day, the gang had been alerted to his.. issues, and Token had refused to let him stay at his own house in fear of his parents. Though, Kenny had assured him that the bastards were almost never home. Token had also insisted that Karen stay with them, mostly because Kenny asked, but also because Token was a good person and didn't want to put Karen in a situation where Kenny couldn't protect her.

Kenny scrunched his knees up to his chest and put his arms around himself, breathing out a shaky sigh. He then came to a chilling realisation. The blonde held up his wrist in the moonlight and could make out faint marks, right where dream-Karen was gripping. Kenny flinched, reaching out his other hand to brush his thumb over the marks. They stung slightly. Was it just him, or did his shirt have some weird stains on it? No no, that had to be his imagination. He was just freaking himself out, surely.

Something shifted behind him. Kenny whipped around, only to see Clyde shifting in his sleep. Kenny's shoulders fell and he relaxed slightly, exhaling. "Ken?" A voice asked. Kenny turned to face the voice in the dark. It was Butters. Kenny sighed and crawled towards the boy, sitting down in front of him. "Hey." Kenny replied. Butters smiled "Hey. Are you okay? You seem a little on edge." Butters said. Kenny smiled back "Yeah. Just a bad dream. That's all." He replied. Butters frowned "Are you sure? You still seem a little scared." He said. Kenny stood up "Yeah, I just need some air." He said, throwing on an oversized black hoodie he brought. Butters hopped up, pulling a sweater on "Okay! I'll come with you then." He said, following Kenny upstairs. "Alright." Kenny replied.

The boys were sleeping in the basement of Tokens house. It had been turned into a cool game/movie room with a tv and a couch. They all usually slept down there when they had sleepovers, but it also doubled as their Freedom Pals meeting room.

"It's nice out here." Butters said as they stepped outside on the porch. Kenny nodded "Yeah, it is." Butters' eyes lit up as he came up with an idea. "We should walk to the park! It's not that far away." Kenny raised an eyebrow "Really?" He asked. Butters nodded "Yeah!" Kenny smiled "Bunny, we don't have any shoes on." Butters smiled back "Then let's get some!" He said, running back inside. Kenny smiled and rolled his eyes and walked inside with him.

The pair was off to the park. It had started raining, a rare occasion for their snowy mountain town. The rain melted a sizeable amount of the snow. "Oh gosh Ken, it's raining!" Butters said. Kenny smiled "It is." He said "It's raining, Leo!" The two stopped under a streetlight. "Y'know I've always wanted to dance in the rain" Butters said. Kenny paused, thinking for a moment "Why don't we do it now?" He asked. Butters turned to him "Oh really?? Great! Let's go!" Butters said. Kenny's heart jumped as Butters grabbed his hand, leading him across main street. "Wait, Leo! I don't know how to dance!" Kenny said, Butters running through the rain with him "S'alright! We'll figure it out!" Butters said, swinging Kenny around in front of him.

The two danced across the street. Well, less danced, more jumped around and ran, but y'know same thing. They passed the Photo-Dojo and crossed the street, taking a left and stopping at another streetlight near the Theatre and Tweak Bros. Coffee, the idea of going to the park being completely thrown out of the window at this point. The boys panted, hands still interlocked. "That was.. fun!" Butters said. Kenny nodded "Definitely..!" He said. The two stared at each other, letting the sound of the rain cloud their hearing.

"If I did something... would you hate me?" Butters asked. Kenny smiled "Course not! I'll always be there for you." He replied. Butters blushed "O-Okay... um.." Butters looked up at Kenny and smiled "This'll be scary, but... at least I can get it off my chest." Butters said. Kenny smiled back, raising an eyebrow.

"Y'know," Butters said, standing up on his tip-toes and putting a hand on Kenny's cheek, bringing his face closer so that their foreheads were pressed together. "You're really pretty, Ken." He said, before bringing Kenny's lips to his own.

Kenny's heart skipped a beat. After the shock subsided, Kenny closed his eyes and kissed back.

And it was perfect.

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