16- Eyes Talk -16

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Butters trudged up the snow covered fire escape, up to the community centres roof. When he got to the top, he realised that it only went so far, he was going to have to find a way up. The teen frowned, cringing at the thought. He then noticed that a few bricks in the wall were sticking out slightly. Kenny came here a lot so it was probably him. Butters grabbed a brick and hauled himself onto the small surfaces. Balancing on bricks definitely wasn't his best skill. He grabbed the gutter of the roof and pulled himself up, dusting his clothes off afterwards.

Butters looked up, seeing the boy he was supposed to talk with. He frowned, beginning to walk over to him.

Kenny has his hood up, a known habit of his. He was wearing the usual; blue-grey muddy jeans with his orange parka. Butters sat down next to him, looking onwards. He heard Kenny turn to face him. Butters turned too, looking into Kenny's eyes. His eyes spoke, they said everything. Crystal blue looking into crystal blue. They looked sad and tired, drained almost. Butters' heart sank thinking about how much the younger must've thought about this. Kenny sighed and pulled down his hood, exposing more of his face and his tired expression.

"Hey." He said. Butters gave a sad smile "Hi." He said back. There was a paused between the two until Kenny hugged the shorter. "Ah- K-Kenny.." Butters said quietly. "I'm sorry for avoiding you." Kenny said. Butters hugged him back "No. I'm sorry for doin' that." Butters replied. Kenny pulled back "What? Why are you apologising for that?" Kenny asked "Well, I thought you didn't like it." Butters replied. "No.. It's not that I- Uh, I didn't not like it..." Kenny mumbled "Then why'd you start avoiding me in the first place?" Butters asked. "Well... I just didn't know how to approach you about it. You said everything was fine after, but it just felt off, weird. I don't know why, but I just couldn't face you." Kenny said. Butters frowned and pulled him into a tight hug. "We're still friends, right?" Butters asked. Kenny smiled "Of course we are."

"I'm glad." Butters said "Me too. Honestly, I don't think I could do this without you. All of this just sucks, you and the guys are keeping me up honestly..." Kenny said. "What do you mean 'up'?" Butters asked. Kenny chuckled "Y'know, alive." He replied. Butters flinched and pulled back "Wh-What?" He asked. Kenny gasped quietly "I-I said too much. Sorry." He said, beginning to stand up "No." Butters said, grabbing Kenny's hand and pulling him back down. "I'm not letting you leave. Not when you've just said that, intentionally or not. What's going on? Are you okay?" Butters asked.

Kenny sighed deeply "...You're.. not gonna like this." He said "But, if you wanna know the truth. Then... here." Kenny took off his parka and rolled up his sleeve, his eyes darting to the side. There, Butters saw tons of small scars and cuts in lines. Butters flinched "Y... You did this?" He asked. Kenny nodded "Yup." Butters pulled him into a hug. Kenny tensed up, letting his sleeve fall back down. "Please... Don't do that anymore, Ken." Butters said, voice breaking. Kenny relaxed and hugged him back "Hey... No need to cry about it, it's no big deal Le-" "Promise!" Butters interrupted. Kenny paused, allowing Butters' words to sink into his mind. He sighed "I promise." Butters let out a sigh of relief, pulling back from the hug "Thank you, Ken. But, I am wondering something." He said. Kenny smiled "Shoot."


Kenny hummed "I don't know. It kinda.. makes me feel more in control. I know it's unhealthy, and it's gonna make people worry. But, since everything else sucks, I might as well. I was also using it as a way to count the days, but then I realised I coulda just made tally marks on the wall, haha! Also calendars exist so, there's that." He explained. Butters smiled "Well, if that's your reason, then I'm gonna help you feel more in control. I'm gonna help the best I can! Okay?" Butters asked. Kenny smiled "Okay."


When Kenny arrived home Karen ran up and hugged his knees "Hey!" She said "Hey Karebear, how you doing?" He asked. She smiled "Good! Can we play? Pleeeease??" She asked. Kenny grinned "Course. Dinner first though." "Aw, okay." She said. Kenny hung up his parka on the slanted coat hooks lazily screwed on and walked to the kitchen.

He made his sister her dinner and was pleasantly surprised when there was enough for him too! He put the plate in front of his sister and sat down across from her. Her face lit up "You're eating too?" She asked. He nodded "Yup!"

When they finished, Karen dragged Kenny to her room and they started to play with the few toys that Karen had. The rest they made out of paper and crayons.

"Hey Kenny?" Karen said. "Hm?" "Can I tell you a secret?" She asked. Kenny smiled "Sure, you can always tell me anything." He replied. She smiled "Okay. So, he told me not to tell anybody this, but you're my big brother, so I think it's okay. I have a guardian angel! And he's telling me that things are gonna be okay!" She said excitedly. "Really now? That's great Karen!" He replied. She nodded "Definitely!"

Kenny tucked Karen into bed after a few hours of playing, and kissed her goodnight "Kenny?" She asked "Yeah?" "My guardian angel hasn't visited in a while. Do you think he's coming back?" She asked. Kenny ruffled her hair and stood up. "Yeah. I think he will. He seems to care about you a lot. Goodnight now, K." He said, standing up and walking to the door. "Goodnight..." she said.

Kenny smiled and walked to his room, getting into bed and falling asleep almost immediately. That day wasn't bad. It wasn't bad at all. Though, he had forgotten all about Mysterion. Oh well, not much crime these past few weeks anyways. Mysterion would visit Karen tomorrow night.

Damn, everything was starting to look up, huh?

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