Chapter 8

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Attractive Violence

Tøny started bashing a man's skull into the wall until there was nothing left but a pile of blood.

Tøny: "Yeah YEAH! This whatchu get! This whatchu get! I LOVE this!"

Matt: "Havin' fun there Tøny? Here. Lemme make it even better."

Matt threw a baseball bat with nails all over it's head towards Tøny.
Tøny caught it from the handle in midair.

Tøny: "Much obliged."

Tøny swung the bat around hitting everyone hard in their heads as they screamed and tried to dodge his attacks.
Gerald was guarding the entrance doors.
The back door was chained by Matt beforehand.
There was no way to escape the club.
Danny was nowhere to be seen.
Matt pulled a machete out of his bag.
He started running around, chopping the heads off anyone in his way.
Tøny went to the DJ's booth.
The DJ was hiding under a table.

Tøny: "Hey! You! How do you change this shitty music?"

The DJ showed him how to change the music while his hands trembled in fear.
Tøny connected a USB he had brought to the device.
It had his favorite music on it.

Tøny: "By the way, terrible taste in music douche. Who the fuck hired you?"

The DJ dared not respond.

Tøny: "What is it? Cat got yo tongue? Nah, I got your tongue!"

Tøny smashed the boy's teeth in, then ripped his tongue out of his mouth.
The DJ cried as his mouth bled.
Tøny bashed his legs with the bat, until they broke into thousands of little bone pieces,
The DJ tried to crawl away with his arms.
Tøny bashed his arms with the bat too.
The DJ couldn't move anymore.
He closed his watery eyes as he tried to accept his fate.
Tøny bashed his head with the bat until the boy was no more.

Tøny: "Been a while since I killed this up close. Melee is always more fun. I'm lovin' life!"

Tøny walked out of the booth back into the blood filled dance floor.

Tøny: "Hey! Save some for me."

Matt: "You change the music? Nice."

Tøny: "Yeah. I figured we could use some hype."

Matt: "As if brutally chopping people up isn't hyping enough."

Tøny: "Hahahahahaha!"

Matt: "Hahahahahahaha!"

Tøny: "I'm LOVING THIS!"

Tøny said as he bashed someone in the head.

Matt: "What else did you bring tonight? Ooh, ninja stars. Niiiiice."

Angela: "You guys are having way too much fun with this."

Matt: "Says the one who's watching it all through cameras, eating popcorn."

Angela: "Oh I wish! I had to disable all the cameras so that your asses wouldn't get spotted."

Tøny: "Boohoo, poor girl is sitting comfortably in her chair with nothing to watch, while we are putting our asses on the line! And could get shot to death by the police at any damn second!"

Angela: "Actually, I am watching something. There's this new website called YouTube. It has so many funny animal videos! It's hysterical!"

Tøny: "Dammit you! Focus on your job, before you get our asses busted!"


After everybody was dead in the club and the crew was about to leave, Tøny realised Danny was missing.

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