"West, we need to go now"

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"What did the biologist wear to impress his date?" Saffron sighed, dropping her head in disappointment. "Designer genes." She looked up at her father's toothy grin as he waited for their reactions. Saffron turned and looked at her brother, who was staring at their father with wide eyes. Saffron couldn't help but start laughing wildly. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes.

"I told you it's a good one!"

"No! It's terrible!" Saffron's brother said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Ronnie just has a terrible sense of humor!"

"Excuse me!" Saffron shoved her brother slightly at his insult. "I wasn't laughing at his terrible joke-"

"Hey..." Saffron's father said in mock disappointment, and Saffron shot him an apologetic look.

"- I was laughing at your stupid expression." She wiped away her tears and stared at her brother, who looked flabbergasted.

"Hey!" He said sternly. "I am a beautiful man." He pretended to whip his hair back and flashed Saffron a seductive wink. She paused, shocked, before laughing again, harder this time. She leaned back too much, though, and fell backward right out of her chair.

"HAHAHA," The scraping of her father's chair against the floor was nearly drowned out by Adrien's loud laughter.

"Saffron! Are you alright?" Saffron was a little shocked by the fall, but she still had a ghost of a smile on her face.

"Yes," She said happily. "Everything is perfect."


"Wake up! Saffron, wake up!" A hushed whisper pierced the darkness. Saffron felt someone gripping her upper arm, lightly shaking her awake.

"Wha-!" Saffron shot up out of bed, her blanket falling on the floor. She looked down and saw a figure kneeling next to her bed. She turned to the side, turned on her lamp, and jumped back a bit when she saw Penny kneeling on the floor next to the bed. She was pale and sweaty and had frantic eyes.

"Woah Woah Woah, what's wrong?" Saffron dropped off the bed and kneeled next to the redhead. Saffron pulled her fidgeting hands into her lap and rubbed them with her thumb, hoping to calm her down.

"I-i'm sorry, I-I didn't know who e-else to go to."

"Ok, first, take a few deep breaths in." Saffron led her through about thirty seconds of breathing before she allowed her to explain.

"Ok, what's going on?"

"I overheard Mom talking in the hub. We're all going to die!" It didn't quite sink in right away. What was she talking about?

"Let's try not starting with that." Penny took one more deep breath before starting over.

"You've noticed the longer days and warmer weather, right?" Saffron nodded her head slowly. "Apparently, there is a black hole behind the sun that we are heading straight for. Soon, we will fall right into it, and we won't survive. Mom says we have a few weeks, maybe a few months, but she couldn't tell. Not enough information."

Saffron couldn't say anything. She just froze, staring at Penny. "Saffron?" Saffron sighed and looked down, trying to take in the information. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you."

"Stop." Penny froze, staring at the other girl nervously. Saffron looked up, an easy smile on her face. "We are all going to be fine. If I've learned anything living with you guys, is you Robinson's don't take 'no' for an answer-"

"Why are you so calm!" Penny interrupted loudly. Saffron looked out the door, making sure no one heard Penny's outburst. When she turned back, she saw tears threatening to spill out of Penny's eyes, and Saffron sighed.

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