3 minutes and 27 seconds

178 6 5

They were back and piled into the Chariot. It was quiet, and Judy was staring at Doctor Z. Smith's identification card.

"Unbelievable," She whispered under her breath. "I should've known."

"She played me even before we crashed here. I fell for it like a sucker." West said, trying to make her feel less guilty. "I blame my innate sense of compassion."

"You tried to profit off of our survival.

"Nothing illegal about that."

"You also smuggle booze."

"You do?" Saffron asked

"I- how did this become about me? Look, the point is I use my own name. I didn't steal it off some guy." It was silent for a moment. "I wonder what happened to him. The real Doctor Smith." Saffron bowed her head, assuming the worst.

She shook a little in her seat and heard a distant rumble. Aiko sat up.

"Did anyone else feel that? It was a tremor, I think."

"I'm calling home," Judy said, reverting the topic back to the "not-doctor." Saffron looked at Aiko and nodded, agreeing with her observation.

"What did I just say?" Saffron looked up as West lost his little tug-of-war with Judy.

"C-11 to Jupiter 2. Is anyone there?" Silence. "C-11 to Jupiter 2. Are you there, Mom?"

"Jupiter 2 to C-11. Hello Judy." Smith's voice came out of the radio. Saffron let out an angry noise under her breath, and she saw Aiko glance at her. Saffron watched as West mouthed to Judy to put the radio back. "It's Doctor Smith," Smith said, confused.

"Like hell it is," Saffron growled, but Aiko put a hand up to Saffron's mouth, silencing her. Judy glanced to the back, making eye contact with her stowaway.

"Yeah, I know who you are." Part of Saffron was happy that other people were finally confronting her, but over the radio was probably not the best way to do it.

"Is everything all right?"

"We're great. Can you put my Mom on, please?" It was quiet for a second.

"Her door's closed. Would you like me to leave her a message?"

"No, I'll tell her myself thank you-" West snatched the remote from her hand and hung up.

"Could you be more suspicious?"

"She's been staying at our Jupiter, eating at our table with us. I even loaned her moisturizer," Judy said panicked. West didn't say anything, but when he looked at the backseat through the rearview mirror, Saffron saw a smile on his face. The anger in my body dissipated, instead being replaced with laughter.

"Really? You think that's funny?" West chuckled.


"What if she tries something?" Judy said frantically.

"Relax," West said in a calmer voice. "Your Mom can handle any version of Dr. Smith."

From then on, it was a mostly quiet trip. The only noise occasionally was West singing something under his breath. Saffron noticed them slowing down when they reached the field of geysers from earlier. West sighed as the entire field was currently exploding.

"What's the problem?" Saffron asked, confused.

"Look," West pointed off to the side. The path they had come on had been split in two, possibly from the erupting geysers. It looked recent, too, with rocks still falling from the cliff face.

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