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The light remained red like it was trying to tell me something. I sighed and rested my head on the wheels. All I could think about was Liam; his whole life was falling apart and this was the moment he needed me the most.

Lian was my boyfriend and a renowned artist. Just when I thought we could get back on track, everything had to fall out of place.

Those arts...

It meant everything to him and now it was-

I bit my bottom lips until I tasted blood. How long would I remain here?

The red light winked at me and it only made me more frustrated. Can't it just change back to green?

I gazed around looking at the rows of cars before and behind mine. I had been stuck in the traffic jam for almost twenty minutes and what bothered me the most was that he wasn't picking my calls. He was going through a rough time and I was scared of how the whole tragedy could cause him any harm.

I picked up my phone and tried his number again. It rang loudly rippling through the air. I clutched it, praying silently to the universe that he answered.

He didn't.

After trying out his number for more than five times without him picking it up, I chucked the phone across my seat. I tapped the wheel and shifted on my seat. Suddenly, it rang. I nearly fell from my seat as I reached out for it. My heart dropped when I checked the caller ID.

It wasn't Liam. It was my Mother.

"Mom," I brought the phone close to my ear, "What do you want?"

I made sure the venom in my voice was visible. She must be so happy that Liam was going through this tragedy.

She sighed. I knew what that meant. She had just checked my room.

"Where are you?"

"I'm going to see Liam."

"How much hell does he need to go through before you get it that he isn't meant for you?"

Her words made no sense to me and I was too anxious to consider its meaning.

I rolled my eyes. We have had this discussion multiple times. And every time, it ended on a sour note.

"Mom, don't call me right now if you aren't going to be of help," I said and hung up the call.

She hated Liam-fine-but she shouldn't have made it so obvious that she was rejoicing at his downfall.

The traffic lights finally understood my desperation and shone a ray of mercy. Immediately, I sat up and started the sleeping engine.

It took me another twenty minute to arrive at Liam's hotel room. He had just returned back to LA after his long business trip to Australia.

I dashed to his room and stopped by the door. I swallowed. My chest heaved and I gasped for air. I was exhausted and my aching throat longed for the soothing sensation of water. But I remembered that Liam was in the worst situation and I shouldn't be bothered about my needs at the moment.

I knocked.

He opened it looking stressed. I felt very bad for him. He didn't deserve what he was going through.

He frowned when he saw me.

I ran forward and wrapped my hands around him to comfort him. He jolted and pushed me away.

My body collided on the floor and I gaped at him.

He casted his gaze on me and the coldness in his eyes shook me to the bone.

He walked closer to me. Then, he clenched his hands and stopped. "What are you doing here?"

I sat up on the floor and rubbed my bruised arm. Everything felt wrong. This certainly wasn't the reaction I expected from him. I came to comfort him, but I became the one who needed comfort.


"Just leave," he said icily.

He was about to close the door on me, I shot forward and shoved the door.

I looked at him with wounded eyes. "Why are you acting like this?"

He sighed. "Let's break up," he said in a hushed tone. "We were never meant to happen so let's end it now."

Then, he turned and shoved the door in my face.

My heart squeezed so tight that I felt it might explode. The next thing I knew, I was walking out of the hotel with a shattered heart bursting inside me. I couldn't believe Liam could do such a thing to me.

Suddenly, a bright light surged into my face. Then, reality set back into motion and I found myself at the very front of a fast approaching car. I stood still, my heart was in my throat.

The car got closer and just when I thought it would hit me, a firm hand grabbed my waist and pulled me away. I spun and got embraced in his arms.

The driver shook his head at me before driving away.

I stood still in my savior's arm. His warmth soothed me in a way and I felt cold as he pulled back.

He looked at me with worried amber eyes. "Hey, are you okay?"

I shook my head. My lips wobbled and the tears I had been fighting broke loose. It streamed down my face like an ocean and I felt very vulnerable as I shuddered.

Unexpectedly, he shrugged out of his denim jacket and wore it around my shoulders.

He hugged me. "It's okay."

For some reason, his words comforted me.

So, I made up my mind. I was going to cry as much as I could over Liam so that I could forget about him.

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