C9: Coffee And Seduction.

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I sat up and checked my wrist watch. It was exactly thirty minutes before the team meeting and I was still stuck in the restaurant with Chloe. I looked at the entrance of the restaurant, feeling the urge to leave. Besides, she had Diana who was keeping her company.

I looked at Diana who sat across the table. She didn't seem like she was the type of woman who would give herself to any man just for the pleasure of sex. I sensed some sadness beyond her pretty smile, it tugged on her lips like a dream catcher.

She was very different from Chloe. They were like fire and ice— No. They were like oil and water. They are the complete opposite of each other which could never blend together.

Chloe was like oil: she was madly sexy. She had smooth olive skin and spotless long legs that attracted men's attention and lured them to sin. 

Diana was like water: she was prim and classic. She had lovely hazel eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled and her smile was so magnificent that it made her look like an angel.

Diana smiled again and I focused on her face. There was something different about her that made me want to look at her every time. It must be her modesty.

She looked at me and a shiver ran down my spine as I dived into her hazel eyes. It looked like a thousand golden topazes gathered into a circle.

"And you are?" 

I blinked. It took me a while to realize she was actually asking for my name. 

"Oh," I stretched out my hand towards her for a handshake. "I'm Dominic."

She took my hand. Her hand was so soft that I wanted to hold it for a long time, but Chloe spoke and drew me away from my trance-like feelings.

"I'm very sure you love your job," Chloe lauded.

Reluctantly, I dropped my hand and checked my wrist watch again. I really needed to leave ASAP.

A young waiter approached our table with a notepad in his hand. Chloe was the first to place her order, then Diana. I wasn't really hungry so I ordered only a cup of Espresso.

Chloe arched a brow at me. "Why are you ordering only coffee?"

"I've lost my appetite."

Suddenly, she smiled and reached for my hands. "If you don't have an appetite for food, then you can have an appetite for me." She bent, showing more of her cleavage. "All you have to do is ask."

My hands itched, but I clutched it. 

I gave her a look. "Stop it."

Diana smirked when our eyes met. I adjusted uneasily on the chair and cleared my throat. I turned to check if anyone was staring in our direction. Phew, nobody was.

Soon, the waiter came with a tray, and he served out our orders. The exotic aroma of coffee wafted through my nostrils. 

Chloe shrugged. "I'm just letting you know." 

She reached for my hand again and her fingers intentionally brushed the cup of espresso before me, its content poured on my pants. I jerked back as the hot liquid blazed my thighs.

"Oh my gosh!" Chloe gasped, her voice laid with false innocence. "I'm so sorry."

She took out a handkerchief from her clutch. She went around the table and dabbed the area of my manhood. 

I stiffened, my body tightened with a renewed sexual arousal. 

I'd had enough.

"Seriously, Chloe." I jerked up and glared at her. "You need to stop this nonsense!" 

Without looking back, I stormed out of the restaurant.

Chloe grabbed her handbag and followed me. "Dominic! Wait for me!" 

When I got to my car, I opened it and got inside. I started the engine and was about to turn the wheel when she stopped by the car, panting heavily. 

"Dominic… " 

"Get out." I blurted out and screeched out of the car park.

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