Chapter 14: morning run

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(A/N: italics is Japanese and underline is english, italics and underline thoughts.)

Izuku POV

He woke up at 5am and got dressed for a morning run since he only slept in his briefs for bed still having a child body temperature despit being 17 years of age now.

Once he was dressed and shoes in his hand he wearing his house slippers he locked his dorm room than took the elevater up to Kacchan floor and walked down to his room number and knocked on his door. After an minute and a second knock with an slight holler "Kacchan?" The door opened with a shirtless Kacchan ~oh my God he more ripped than I thought ~ was his instant thought upon seeing Kacchan chest. ~I though he great arms but my God his chest looks even better~ he tried not to drool much less have pervert fantasy of Kacchan.

He snapped out of his staring and felt his whole face, ears and neck heat up when Kacchan smirked and leaned in the door way "like what you see Deku"

He was immediately apologizing for staring being instantly flustered and even covered his face with his hands embreased.

Kacchan only smirked ~cute~ Kacchan thought.

"So do you want to go for a run with me this morning since you know the campus more and maybe do some training before breakfast. Than I've to go see principal Nezu at 8am to find if my Pro Hero trainer Hero Bunny is meeting me today or has some king schedual that coincide with my classes?"

Kacchan yawned for a second thsn said "Sure, let me get dressed quickly?"

He agreed and Kacchan closed his door and while he waited outside it for the next ten minutes as Kacchan got ready. Kacchan next door neighbor door opened to peek out and he saw it was Red Riot.

"Good morning Kirishima, sorry if I woke you up?" He apologized.

Kirishima stepped out and smiled at him "no, its fine i was already awake" Kirishima said smiling.

"Kirishima if you don't mind could i do an interview of you later being I make hero journal of infom and such for myself and I'd like to asked a few queastions and correct some observations of that okay and of course take your picture for it. I don't share any of it with others. In America a firend of mine is working an a hero data base program its by far not yet developed yet but it be accessible for hero agencies and police but not villian. The one we have at preasent isn't available for both and can become vulnerable to villans so my friend is making an improvements, he doing a test trial later this year I'll wait a few years to see if its successful and safe but will of course get all hero and even heros in training later on permission to add what I have so I'm collecting as much as I can now what do you think?"

"Wow midoriya that so manly, so of curse I don't mind. Are you going to do it for eveyone in class to school?" Kirishima asked.

"If the students and teachers agree yes that's my plan I did it to ninety percent with my other school it was very helpful in provisional exams for company futher decision being those who requested it in recruiting in an specific agency they had me type up my page on the of what I got and my observations to add to their information form the test ninty nine percent got in to the agency they wanted as the reasult"

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