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I was trying hard to follow Sana's pace when suddenly I remembered that it was not possible to keep that way. I had a huge duty to do with my family, and I couldn't allow myself to lie to Sana in such way.

-Sana: Y/N? Are you crying? - confused.

-Y/N: Sorry - clears your throat - I think that I should actually leave.

-Sana: Why? Is something wrong?

-Y/N: Sorry, Sana - fakes a smile - I just remembered that I have something to do back at home.

-Sana: But are you okay? - concerned - It's weird to cry on your first kiss.

-Y/N: It is not if you experience something that was not possible to happen - looks down - I'll see you on the beach day.

I returned back home and locked myself in unable to fall asleep. When Sana first kissed me felt like I was in heaven, but when I remembered my siblings it turned into hell.

I was scared. All the amazing feelings that Sana made me develop, turned into a scaring sensation that obligated me to keep my mask on. Sana mustn't know about my powers or my family, and that means I have to break the bond between us.

The days until the meeting in the beach passed by after struggling to ignore the insisting calls from my siblings. They were mad at me, of course. Without me they wouldn't be able to attend whatever Mother needed.

-In the beach-

The sun was hitting strongly but I still had to wear long baggy trousers to cover the ankle bracelet. It was the first time that I had the privilege to lay down and do nothing in the beach. Nothing compared to the robberies we used to do in California's coast.

-Sana: Ah, this is amazing - smiles - What do you think? Beach days are the best, right?

-Y/N: It's truly fun - smiles.

-Sana: It woud be much better if you didn't wear those long ass trousers, though. What are you hiding? - smirks.

-Y/N: Nothing, I promise.

-Sana: Do you have any complex by any case?

-Y/N: Nope, that's not the matter either - smiles - Just wanted to wear them, that's all.

-Sana: And your shirt? Why don't you take it off? - tries to pull it up - I can apply sunscreen on you.

-Y/N: Hmmm no, better don't - pulls down the shirt - I won't take it off either.

-Sana: Oh c'mon - sighs - What's wrong with you? Are you that shy? The girls aren't even looking here, no one's paying attention to you but me - smiles.

-Y/N: Still - smiles - It's okay if I keep my clothes on, it won't bother anyone.

-Sana: Well, it kinda bothers me knowing how close we were the other day - leans her head on my shoulder.

-Y/N: I'm sorry... I can't do it cause I'm afraid.

-Sana: What are you afraid of?

-Y/N: It's too complicated - gulps.

-Sana: - takes your shirt off - What are you afraid off?

I tried covering the obvious scar on my chest but still Sana managed to notice it and of course asked about it. At first she caressed it and looked up to my eyes with a curious staring, waiting for an answer.

-Y/N: An accident when I was a kid, that's all - smiles.

-Sana: So this is what you were hiding, hmm? It's okay, I think that it even suits you - chuckles - It's like you have an interesting secret behind it.

-Y/N: - smiles - It's reassuring somehow to know that you don't think it's ugly.

-Sana: Of course! Y/N if I'm with you, it's because I like you. And it doesn't only involve your body, my feelings go much more further - places her hand on my chest - What matters is what's inside, you know? For as long as you are the nice guy you are, and keep on treating me this nice... I don't think I'll ever consider anything about you ugly.

For a moment I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be carried away by Sana's words. By the time I opened them and realised how the weather changed, it was too late.

Sana was running towards the water since some of her friends were already there. I tried to stop her from getting inside but something stopped me, some type of invisible force. Or in other words, my sister Sujin.

-Y/N: Sujin! Let me go, I beg you - tries to get away - Someone could die!

-Sujin: Y/N, you were warned about this... Didn't you? - serious - You had to return with us but you ignored mother's order.

-Y/N: But are you crazy?! Isn't this too heavy?! - pushes her - I won't allow anything to happen to Sana

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-Y/N: But are you crazy?! Isn't this too heavy?! - pushes her - I won't allow anything to happen to Sana.

-Sujin: I think you are a little bit late for that... - signals with her chin to the shore.

I paralyse for a moment and then start running desperately towards a little crowd surrounding them laying in the sand. I break through them until I reach Sana...

I first checked that she was still breathing and tried to make her the cpr and then the mouth to mouth. I repeated the same process with her other two friends, until finally they opened their eyes.

-Sana: Y/N... - extends her arm towards me.

-Y/N: - takes her hand - I'm here, I'm here - smiles - Are you okay? Are you all okay?

-Momo: It was so weird, the sea was truly calmed when suddenly it got all cloudy and a huge wave drowned us.

I frowned to myself since I knew that it was all my brother Junsik's fault, he used his powers to almost kill them. And if that wasn't enough, Sujin didn't want me to help them. Where is their humanity? Are they unable to empathise?

-Jihyo: We should bring them to the hospital so they have a check done, just in case.

-Y/N: - nods in agreement - Can you all walk?

-Jeongyeon: I think it'll be better if we carry them to the car, don't you think?

-Y/N: Okay, I'll carry Sana.

I carried Sana on my back towards the car and then drove until the hospital. Once there the doctors asked us about what happened and started checking them.

-Sana: Y/N, please don't leave...

-Y/N: I won't, I'll stay right here and even after - smiles - Until your completely fine.

-Sana: And after that too - smiles weakly.

-Y/N: - nods - After that too.

Behind The Mask - Sana x Male Reader [On Hiatus] Where stories live. Discover now