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The cold concrete floor felt so good against her beaten body. She is not sure on how she  ended up there, all she knew was how much her body was hurting and it didn’t show any sign of stopping. She couldn’t even hold her own body up anymore due to exhaustion. She curled up in a ball on the floor, shaking and praying for it all to end. A few tears escaped her eyes, as she thought back to when she was safe for her to be around in her home, wherever that is now. She kept thinking about her family and how much she missed them, trying to keep her own morale up, as she tried to get some sleep, but it wasn’t long before the heavy metal door leading to the room she was in, slowly opened up and her entire body froze. How could they already be back, she thought, they can’t possibly have more tests or have more fluid to inject her with, already could they? Instead a plate was thrown on the floor right beside her. “Eat it you will need the energy in the morning, you might as well prepare yourself for another set of needles in an hour.” A male voice said. “Why don’t you just give in already, you know no one is going to save you anyway.” She looked at the plate, ignoring whatever he had to say, or at least she wasn’t going to listen to him. The dinner wasn’t worth much, only two potatoes, some rock hard bread and a pathetic excuse of some meat. She just kept looking at the plate wondering if she should eat some of it for her roommate, or as most people would call it, the rat. She wasn’t going to lie, she was happy to see it come and go, it was giving her someone to talk to. She looked at her arms which were covered in marks from where the needles had punctured her skin. If she could, she would just close her eyes to fall asleep and never wake up again.

She laid for what seemed like hours waiting for them to get her, and it was excruciating, she wondered why they hadn't come to get her. Parts of her wanted to admit to them they had cracked her spirit, but whenever that thought came to her mind, she made an agreement to herself that she would rather die than to give in to them. She slowly started to lose her consciousness, waiting for the wonderful feeling of not being awake.
Just as she was about to fall asleep, the sound of loud crashes filled the room, soon to be followed by the sound of shooting coming from the hallway. This made her scramble up from her lying position on the floor. An immense pain was shooting through her ribs, as she pushed herself up against the corner, in an attempt to stay hidden. The commotion began to die out, soon to be followed by a female voice. “ALL CLEAR!” It said, a part of (y/n) wanted to yell for help, but another part of her was convinced it would be a bad idea. How could she even know if it was friendly. “WHAT! WHERE?! Yes I think that’s the door.” Someone pulled the door, making (Y/n) flinch in the corner she was pressing herself up against. Despite being here for so long, and being through so much, she hadn't been as scared as she was now. “It’s locked, I’ll try to pick the lock.” The sound of the lock being messed with filled the room with small clicking noises, soon to be followed by a loud click, indicating the door has been unlocked. (Y/n) pulled her knees up to her chest as close as possible, looking away from the door. “There’s a girl in here.” The female said. “I’ll take her with me.” That made (Y/n) look up from the floor, her eyes blank and yet filled with fear she said. “Please, don’t hurt me. I’m not one of them. Please.” She pressed her body closer to the corner. “I know and don't worry, I won't hurt you. My name is Natasha Romanoff and I'll get you out of here” Her voice sounded soothing to (Y/n) and reassuring. She couldn’t understand that she was finally getting out of there, that she actually was getting out, even if that meant she was going with a stranger, but a stranger she had a feeling was a good person.
Natasha reached her hand down for (Y/n) to help her stand up, she grabbed the hand she was offered and with a bit of grunting of pain she eventually got up. Natasha had noticed the condition the girl was in, and slowly began to walk putting a hand on her back guiding her out of there. (Y/n) looked down at the bodies of the guards as they went through the door, she could feel a relief wash over her as they stepped over them. The two women began to pick up their pace, and as they hurried through the hallway when (Y/n) could knees buckle under her. Natasha took notice of it and wrapped her arm around her for support. “Just a bit longer and we’ll be out of here for good” Natasha told her as she was dragging her along, she then spoke to her earpiece once again. “We’ll arrive soon, so start the engine and prepare to leave, and we’ll need medical help as soon as possible.”

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