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(Y/n) woke up early in the morning, and for once she didn't have any nightmares, in fact she didn't even have a single dream that night. It was also a weird feeling to wake up in a bed, in a nice clean room that does not smell like mildew, it felt nice and so safe. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and stood on the floor, there was a pile of clothing on a chair by the door along with a little note. She picked up the note and started to read it.

Good morning (Y/n), Natasha found some clothing for you, that we thought might fit. You can ring the bell in your room and I will come to you. 

Dr. Banner.

She picked up some of the clothes and got dressed, it was big on her thin body. She walked over to the bed again and pulled the string, letting him know that she was awake and ready to begin the day. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” She said sitting on the bed, looking at the door as Bruce entered the room. “Good morning miss (y/l/n), how are you feeling today?” He asked, closing the door behind him, making his way to a chair that was next to the bed, sitting in it, he smiled at her. “Just call me (y/n)…” she said. “And I’m good thank you.” She looked at her hands in her lap. “That’s good to hear, you do look better too.” He said, she looked at him giving him a small smile before looking away again.
There was a long silence or at least that is how it felt, he clears his throat catching the  attention of the woman before him again. 

He looked at her with serious eyes. “I ran some tests on your blood yesterday, but I couldn’t find anything in it. No mutations, no viruses, no abnormalities at all. So be honest with me. Are you feeling good, nothing… umm weird or unpleasant?” He asked again, looking at her. “No nothing really. I promise.” She said looking at him. “Hmm that’s interesting. So today I would like to check you and scan you, to see if we can figure something out about the injections.” He said. “Okay, but what if they don’t show anything either, what then?” She asked, sounding concerned. “I don’t know, I guess we have to wait then.” He said and she only nodded, the thought of the possibility of not being able to find anything was frightening to her, would that be a good thing or a bad one. Had she really been through all that for nothing? 
“But enough about that, I’ll bring you some breakfast so we can begin the day, anything you want?” He asked as he got up from the chair heading to the door. “No, nothing would be fine, thanks.” She said. “I’ll see what I can find for you.” He smiled leaving me alone in the room.

As she sat alone in the room, tears began to form in her eyes as she kept thinking back on everything that had happened and she wished, she wished she was home with her family, surrounded by people she knew and loved. A knock on the door was all it took to pull her out of her thoughts and she opened the door, as she was wiping her eyes before anyone would see. Bruce walked in with a tray in his hands, there was some toast and a cup of tea and a glass of juice, it put a small smile on her face. “I didn’t know if you likes tea, coffee or juice. So I brought you this.” He said. He was a bit nervous, as he might have chosen the wrong things. “It's fine, really. Thank you.” Her eyes were still a bit red and puffy from the tears, he looked at her, dropping his smile, which was replaced by concern and genuine empathy. “What’s the matter?” He asked. “Ummm…” She looked down, how could he even know, was it really that obvious to him? ”I was just wondering why there hasn't been any effect from the injections, will they ever show and if not have the time I’ve spent in that cell been of no use?” She said, clearly upset by it. She feel like breaking down and just collapsing on the floor. He put a hand on her back, leading her to a chair making her sit down and he placed the tray on a small table before kneeling before her “Don’t think of it like that, we will find out no matter how long it will take, and even if it doesn’t show right away there must be something about you that makes you so special, something inside your body that denied the serums that they injected in you and eliminated it.” He told her. “How can you be so sure?” She asked in a low voice. “Because you seem to recover fast, even faster than Steve, and he even has a super-soldier serum inside of him that helps him recover faster than an ordinary person, so there must be something.” He said.
She looked at him. “W-What do you mean?” She could not believe him and what he said. It did not make any sense. “I’m not sure myself, I just know the cuts you had on your face and arms last night are almost fully healed by now. So we must figure out if it's having some effect and we have to find out if there are more on their way and what they contain, so whenever you feel strange or if something is not as it used to or if you just need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to come to me.” He said and all she could do was nodding. “I’ll leave you to eat now, I’ll be back in half an hour, then we'll begin with today’s schedule.” He smiled leaving me alone. “Okay.” She sat there for a while. She could not believe it, her wish actually came true. 

She slowly began to eat while thinking about the conversation they just had. She didn't even notice how her body didn't hurt that much anymore, she assumed she had just gotten used to it. The time had passed by and she began to get herself ready for the day quietly sipping on her tea. It felt nice to finally get something better to eat and drink.

She heard a knock on the door before Bruce came in. "I hope the breakfast was okay." "It was better that what I've gotten in a long time, so I can't complain."He smiled at her. “That's good to hear." He held a small pause before talking again. "Okay, so you’re going to meet someone today, he’s a great guy when you get to know him, he’s a genius, outgoing person, loud and speaks a lot, but he can be a great help in our current situation.” He said. “Okay.” Was all she could say, she didn't really know how to handle the situation, thinking for a little while. "Will you be there as well?" She asked. "Yes I will, you don't have to worry about that."

They walked for a bit through the halls. It looked so modern and expensive, they reached what reminded her of a balcony, with floor to ceiling windows. On the other side of the glass leading to a living area, she stopped for a little while to look out into the open space. She could see a few people down there, she could recognise Natasher with her red hair, she was talking to a man with short brown-ish hair. There was also an other woman with long brown hair who was chatting to another man, who had blond hair and dark roots. The woman looked up and their eyes met, she smiled at (Y/n), and gave her a small wave which (Y/n) returned, she wondered when going to meet them, not that she was too eager to do so, but there was something about them she liked. 

"(Y/n)?" Bruce said, trying to get her attention. She turned around and saw a lab that was just behind another layer of glass, how did she not notice that. She saw a man, with messy dark hair on the other side of the glass, he smiled at them right before taking a sip of the cup he held in his hands, waiting for them to enter. The door was soon opened and loud music. “F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you please turn down the music?!” Bruce yelled over the music. “Who is…” Before she had a chance to finish the sentence, a voice cut her off. “Of cause Dr. Banner.” It was a female voice replying and the music were turned down just like that. “Friday?” (Y/n) finished looking around, there was no one else in the room than the three of them. “Don’t look like you just heard a ghost sweetheart.” The man said as he approached them. “I was just the A.I. system that I have invented.” He said proud. He was now standing right in front of them, smiling at har. “So you must be the girl Bruce told me about last night, and where they found you and what they have done to you. As soon he asked me to help him figuring out what could be the reason there wasn’t any trace of the injections in your blood I couldn’t help but accepting a good challenge. I have always loved a good challenge. Where is my manners, my name is Tony Stark.” He said smiling. She looked at his face taking in everything she could about him just by the look, there were bags under his eyes, so he has not slept much the last couple of days. 

She began to study him by the way he looks. The texture of his skin told her he either has or used to have an alcohol problem. “I’m (y/n) (Y/l/n).” She said. “It’s a lovely name for a lovely lady.” He said, winking at her and gives her a friendly smile. “So shall we get started?” He asked, full of excitement and she didn't know how to feel or respond to it, but she likes the excitement that he was showing. “Tony, maybe if you could turn your excitement down a little?” Bruce asked, it was kinda weird how opposite they are, one is very calm and down on earth while the other was loud and most likely jumped around. “Oh Brucie you should know me, I can’t help it. Come sit and we’ll talk.” Tony said, leaning against a counter. “Please don’t call me that.” Bruce said under his breath walking over to Tony sitting in a chair and pulled one out for (Y/n) to sit on. She walked over sitting in the chair, looking at both men.

 “So before we begin I have something to tell you, something that possibly can possibly help us get started.” She said looking down in my lap, she could feel both men’s eyes on her. “Well if it could give us some sort of a place to begin.” Tony said in a serious voice. “Well since Bruce said this morning that I heal faster than normal people does. I’ve also caught myself staring at your face, mr. Stark, and it was like I could read you as an open book, It didn't take me long before I had some information about you. Like what your past might have been, it was like your skin tattled about your past. I have never done that before in my life. So I thought, what if it’s not a mutation you can see in my blood, but what if it’s something that increased my senses?” She looked up, letting her gaze go from one to the other.

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