Chapter 1

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If I use words that you dont know (I live in the south part of America so I might say words that aren't very well known for the rest of America/people outside of the us) Oh yeah- if I put words inside of dashes (-) then it's me saying something out of the story :)

Third person POV:

Clay checks his phone to see what time it is, "I'm so excited to go see George. He said he gets off the plane at 3 P.M. It's around 1:30 right now so I just gotta wait and hour and thirty minutes, I still got some time, so I'll go get some stuff for him since it is his first time over here in America!" He thinks. 

He go's and gets his keys and jacket then heads to his car. First he heads to the flower shop to get him some daffodils, "I really hope he likes them, I know he's color blind, but flowers are still pretty!" he mumbles

He goes to Walgreens to get chocolate "I can't remember if he likes chocolate but if he doesn't then I get some then." he thinks. He then checks the time once hes out of Walgreens to see its 2: 45. Hes gotta hurry and get to the airport! He jumps in his car and starts driving to the airport. He gets there at 4: 55, he hurries inside, and then feels that he got a message. He takes his phone out and looks at it. Its George, "oh he's here" He thinks. He then texts back.


                                      "Luckily I just got here lol. Where are you?":Clay

George: "I'm at the baggage area"  

                                                              "Okay, I'm heading there now": Clay

George: "okay"  

Normal/third person POV:

"I see him! Do I have the flowers and chocolate? I forgot it in the car, meh I'll give it to him later" Dream mumbles under his breath. He runs up to him luckily, George doesn't recognize him yet. Dream hugs him and picks him up. He semi-screams, "WHA- PUT ME DOWN"

He then says, "calm down George it's just me Dream" he let him go, and George practically jumps into his arms. Clay laughs and wraps his arms around him to support him. George smiles and he smiles back at him.

He then lets the older down and says, "How about we go to my place? I got some stuff for you out in the car" George says, "sure let's go" and picks up his luggage.

We get out into the car, and I give him the flowers, "I hope you like them." I say as I smile and blush a little bit. He smiles and takes them while saying, "I love them Dream, thank you" he blushes a little.

Clay then gives him the chocolate, "I couldn't remember what you like so I got you chocolate, I hope you like it" He smiles and blushes a little stronger than before. "I love chocolate! Thank you dream!!" He smiles bigger and blushes stronger than before, at this point of their blushing it is noticeable for both of them.

Dream starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot and starts heading down to his house. "my house isn't very far from here, its pretty quite though; not many houses" Clay says and smiles.

"That's good; I dont really wanna be in a car that long you know" George says with a chuckle. "Yeah I get what you mean. Why dont you put on some music? Here's an aux cord" -idk if people still use those but my family does so yeah- Dream says. He takes it and plugs it into his phone, he then plays "Can ghosts be gay?" by Carpetgarden

George leans back in his seat and sets his phone on his thigh while closing his eyes. He hums along with the song while patting his thighs to the beat of it. Dream then let's out a sigh and looks over a George. He then says "can we talk about something when we get back to my place?" George looks over at him and says "yeah, what's wrong?"

Dream says, "I'll tell you when we get there. I don't wanna take my attention off the road" George hums in response and continues to relax to the song.

Once the song ends they pull into Dreams driveway. Perfect timing. Dream turns off the car and gets out. He then walks up to the door and unlocks it.  Him and George walk in side he then says, "we'll get your stuff later. I have something Ive been waiting to tell you." George nods "Okie, what is it then?" he asks in a soft tone.

"You might wanna sit down for this." He and George sit down on the couch right beside the door.  He turns to him while sighing and says,  "George.  I'm- Uhm- Im gay" sweat drops down his forehead after he says the last two words.

George looks shocked for a minute. Then he smiles at him and says in a sweet tone,  "That's okay Dream. Ill always accept and support you no matter what! You are my best friend after all"

Dream smiles while thinking, "I wish  I wasn't just your friend tho.." he then says, "thank you George that means alot to me. You can't tell anyone else this.  Your the only one who knows"

George nods "of course, I wouldnt tell anyone with out your permission first, and I am honored to be the first person you came out to" he says sweetly. He then says, "well since we are already on this topic. I'm also gay Dream. You are the first person I've told and I hope this doesn't make anything awkward between us" he sighs after saying all that

Dream pulls him into a tight hug and says "thank you for telling me and this won't change anything between us" George hugs back and buries himself in the crook of his neck out of instincts. They both let go"well, whose the lucky guy" Dream says smirking

George blushes and playfully punches his arm "wouldnt you like to know" he says and rolls his eyes. Dream then says with puppy dog eyes, "please? At least just a hint?"

George laughs and gives in, "fine. Well he's someone we both know pretty well.  Now it's your turn Dreamy" he pokes his arm and smirks. Dreams groans and says "mmmmm.  Fine, he's someone who we both know very well too"

"well now that we've spilt some tea let's get my stuff out of the car" George says. They walk out to the car and takes his luggage inside the house. Dream shows him his room and they get the stuff situated.

The rest of the day was pretty boring mainly George setting his stuff up and unpacking. Once George was finished unpacking they went to bed

Word total: 1186


I wish you all a g'night/mornin'/evenin'   and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this new book (if you were reading the other one I deleted it cause I lost motivation) and Constructive criticism is appreciated! I will try to get the next chapter out by next week it just depends on the week yk

Dandelions; a dnf storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon