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"Buddha taught that good actions bring happiness and bad actions misery; that selfishness is the cause of sin, sorrow, and suffering, and that the abolition of self, sacrifices for others, and the suppression of passions and desires is the only true plan of salvation." 84-year-old grandmother, Jeon Hara, said to her 14-year-old grandson, Jeon Jeongguk, who was sitting before her with his full attention on his grandma. 

" what if we get happiness by being selfish, Grandma?" Jeongguk asked. Hara smiled softly before she answered his question. " All people ever do is think about themselves...for once try considering the next person's feelings and stop being selfish! And it amazes me how selfish people are. Selfish people don't serve the Lord, They don't serve their family, neighbors, or generation. Selfish people want you to serve them with what they want." she replied. 


10 years later~

"For how long are we going to continue this, Jeongguk? I am sick and tired of this!" Taehyung screamed and threw the nearest vase away on the floor. 

"Taehyung, you are just being overdramatic. Everything is going fine. Why are always stuck with the matter taking our relationship to the public!" Jeongguk exclaimed with the same range of anger gushing through his body. 

"Think sensibly, Jeongguk. Everyone deserves to know. Our hyungs deserve to know! Our fans deserve to know! You can't hide our relationship all our lives." Taehyung croaked as he walked towards his boyfriend. 

"They Don't, Tae! Not everything has to be revealed to everyone! We will reveal when it's the right time. Until then stay Quiet." Jeongguk said, looking at his boyfriend in his eyes. 

"Are you serious, Jeongguk? Are you in the right state of mind? What do you mean by they don't deserve to Know? What do you mean by our fans don't deserve to know? We are standing here, in level because of them, because of their love and support." Taehyung asked tone laced with disbelief. He couldn't believe what his boyfriend was saying. 

"That's the point, Taehyung. We are standing here now! We are successful and rich and we can get whatever we want. we are dating. What else do you want?" Jeongguk said and threw his hands in the air. 

The younger held the elder's shoulders " Think about it, Tae! What if our hyungs don't approve of us? What if our fans don't approve of us together? We will gradually start losing everything we have. Our success, our fame, our fandom everything will go downhill. We will barely have anything to do. As much as the fans love us and support us, they have the power to destroy us too! Everything will be gone in a blink" Jeongguk said, his voice desperate to convince the elder, who was looking with hurt in his eyes. 

"And I am not ready to lose any of them, Tae" He added.

Taehyung gulped and his pupils dilated. He wasn't expecting the younger to talk like this. "It's been 7 years since we started dating. Are you serious about us? Does our relationship mean anything to you? Did a single day together mean anything to you?" Taehyung asked in a small voice. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. He didn't like the way his boyfriend was talking. He prays to the lord to have a positive response from his boyfriend. 

"Of course, Tae. Our relationship means a lot to me. Don't even doubt abt it" Jeonguk said and cupped his cheeks to wipe the latter's tears that cascaded down his cheeks with the pad of his thumb. Taehyung smiled at his response. He felt relief wash over him until the younger spoke again.

"But, If I have to choose between you and my life, I would choose my life. I would choose what I earned. My success. My goals. My money. The reason I am here. If I didn't consider my goals back then, I would have never met you. I would have never fallen in love with you." Jeonguk rasped, looking at the elder, who was biting his lips to suppress the sob. 

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