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The situation had escalated over the past two weeks, and the worry among the members and the agency had grown exponentially. Taehyung's prolonged absence had become a serious concern for both personal and professional reasons.

Jeongguk's anxiety reached its peak as the concert time approached. The absence of Taehyung was not only affecting their personal relationship but also jeopardizing the group's professional commitments. The backstage was buzzing with tension, and the other members could feel the weight of the situation.

Jeongguk, in particular, was on edge. Sleepless nights and constant attempts to contact Taehyung had taken a toll on him. The agency had even consulted with experts and professionals to track Taehyung's online activities and determine his whereabouts, but their efforts had yielded little success.

Despite the agency's efforts to keep the situation under wraps, the fans were starting to sense that something was amiss. Speculations and rumors were circulating on social media, and the pressure on the agency to provide answers was mounting.

The concert day arrived, and the members were torn between their duty to the fans and their deep concern for Taehyung. The decision was made to proceed with the concert, but the atmosphere backstage was somber and filled with uncertainty.

As the members got ready for the performance, Jeongguk couldn't shake off the worry gnawing at him. He kept glancing at his phone, hoping for a message or a call from Taehyung. The stage manager approached him, concern etched on their face.

"Jeongguk, we need to start soon. We can't delay the concert any longer," the stage manager said, trying to keep things under control.

Jeongguk nodded, a mixture of frustration and fear in his eyes. The rest of the members shared anxious glances, realizing the magnitude of the situation. They decided to go on with the performance. 

As the concert started, the members tried to put on a brave face for the fans, attempting to deliver a performance that would distract them from the absence of Taehyung. The energy on stage was a mix of determination and unease.

Jeongguk, usually a bundle of energy, found it difficult to focus. His mind kept drifting to Taehyung's whereabouts, and he couldn't shake off the worry that something might be seriously wrong. The other members shared concerned glances, their choreography lacking its usual precision due to the missing member.

Backstage, the other members were struggling to maintain their composure. Jeongguk's frustration and worry were palpable, and he found it challenging to connect with the audience during the breaks between performances. The concert, which was supposed to be a celebration, now felt like an emotional rollercoaster for both the members and the fans.

As the concert unfolded with the noticeable absence of Taehyung, the fans in the audience experienced a mix of emotions ranging from confusion to concern. The atmosphere, which was usually charged with excitement and energy, took on a somber undertone.

Whispers and hushed conversations spread through the crowd as fans exchanged concerned looks. Some started to notice the gap in the choreography, the absence of Taehyung's distinct presence affecting the synergy of the performance. The usual joyous cheers were replaced by a sense of uncertainty, and an air of restlessness settled over the venue.

Outside the concert venue, social media platforms were abuzz with speculations and hashtags related to Taehyung's disappearance. Fans, known for their dedication and solidarity, began organizing online campaigns to spread awareness and support the search efforts.

Throughout the concert, fans remained glued to their seats, hoping for an explanation or some assurance regarding Taehyung's whereabouts. The usual euphoria associated with the group's performances was dampened by the lingering question of why one of their beloved members was missing.

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