Chapter 4

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Zyrem's POV

"Hey man. Who is the woman earlier "

"Nah. None of your business dude. Anyway, let's just go and find Marsxin because my sister will pull out my head if she knows that I lost my nephew."

"Fine." He said instead like defeated in arguments.

While we're walking to find my nephew. I saw a nurse holding the hand of kid and the kid was none other than Marsxin. I went near to them and talked to nurse.

"Hey, excuse me nurse. Where do you find my nephew." I said. The nurse looked shocked what I was doing until she realized what it was.

"Oww. This little kiddo you pertain. I'm not the one who saw him I'm just the one who assessed him to be here and reported about it. But I think I don't need to do it, you can get your nephew, anyway." She said and handed my nephew to me.

"Thank you, Ms. Nurse," Marsxin said with a genuine smile and nurse nodded and spoke.

"Don't go far to your relatives. Okay? Because if don't listen, the doctor saw you earlier will be mad. You want it?"

I'll listen. I won't do it again." Marsxin said and Nurse smiled.

"Well, my nephew already thanks you, but allow me to do it. Thank you anyway. We will go now." I said and she smiled and we walked away. While were walking Marsxin talked.

"You know Tito the doctor saw me earlier had same face as your ex-distant girlfriend."

"What? You have a distance girlfriend, Zyrem and why I didn't know this?" Ezekiel asked.

"It's a long story,"I said

"Promise. I had a lot of time."

"Maybe next time."

After a long walk inside the hospital we had already arrived the private room of my cousin.  He got a car accident, hence we're here.

"Mom,"Marsxin called her mother and hugged him.

"Where have you been? You took so long."My sister asked.

"We just do something," I said

"Okay. Anyway, Tita just got home earlier. She will just get some stuff for Clavin."

I just nod and sit on the sofa we're 4 here. Me and my sister, Ezekiel and Marsxin. Clavin is my cousin on the mother's side. My mother and his mother are siblings,while Ezekiel is my childhood friend because we're neighbors but when I got a distant girlfriend he never knew because I didn't tell him anything. My family knows that but never told anybody because it would just be me and my family. All my thoughts faded when there's doctor came.

"Hey, good evening. I'll just check the patient." doctor said. We just nodded and stared at what he doing. I know medical stuff because I'm a freaking surgeon. A doctor surgeon.

"Well, the patient is good. Thank god Dr. Aye was there." Doctor said. The name of the doctor makes me struck. It's the name I love. A name that makes me go on the path of being surgeon. A name that stays still shout of my heart. A name the woman I love.

"It's good to hear that doc, " my sister replied, intently staring at me as he caught me off guard by thinking a doctor's name.

"Well, I need to go now."Doctor said. My sister just nodded and said thank you.When the doctor was the outside my sister spoke.

"When you will able to have the guts to tell her the truth, Zy. You hurt her badly and now you're here already you can't even face her, the real you are." My sister said with a sad smile.

"I don't know when because I can't still find way how I face her without thinking that she will despise me instead just being hateful" I said and my sister went near to me at tapped my shoulder.

"It's fine if not now, my dear brother but let it be yourself in every step to go near at her. She deserves to know the real you are.  She's an understanding woman I know. She won't despise you maybe she will just mad at you like she will kick you as she can." My sister said then she laughed hard at her last statement.

Well, it's fine for me if she kicks me, as long as she is still my woman. I know how brutal the woman I loved before she would not be Dr. Ayesha Grey Viola for anything.

Soon. You will see me with your beautiful and intimidating eyes.

-Magpapakita na nga ba?

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