Chapter 6 - A Familiar Story

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Sam was awoken by a gentle touch. Sleep had not come easily. It never did in the wastelands, but the presence of the two priests only added to the many burdens she already carried.

"Here." Rize pressed another of the foul biscuits into Sam's hand.

"I'd rather have fish." She said with a look of disgust.

"These are better for you. They will give you more energy."

Sam tolerated the smell and taste begrudgingly – and only because she could not help but acknowledge that the fatigue she felt had been lessened after she ate the biscuit the previous night.

"It is not far now." Rize motioned to the valley floor below. "If you think it is safe to move?" He added with a smile.

Sam nodded groggily as she rubbed her eyes to try and wipe away the effects of sleep. "Just let me scout ahead first."

"Of course." Rize replied almost with a bow.

"And this time you can carry the holdall." Sam kicked at Lykke's boot.

"Of course." She replied without any hint of mockery.

For the second time in less than a day, Sam was acutely aware that her mouth was agog; a feature which she was quick to disguise as she bounded from the rock onto the loose soil and scree below as she allowed the moving earth to carry her down the slope as much as the movement of her own feet. Her dirty clothes and features were soon at one with their natural surroundings and she quickly disappeared out of sight, despite being no more than a few hundred feet from the rock outcrop.

The first rays of the dawning sun were a distant memory by the time Lykke and Rize received a shouted signal for them join Sam on the valley floor.

"All clear?" Rize asked as he came to the end of a slow skid at the bottom of the scree slope. Sam nodded as she held out a steadying hand, which Rize gratefully accepted.

"Good. This way then." Rize and Lykke continued their way to the scarred tree line below.

Sam sat down heavily as the two strode ahead; the soft gravel cushioning her fall. "There are no weapons, are there?" Rize and Lykke stopped in their tracks at her question.

"Of course, there are weapons ..." Lykke tried to respond, but a hand from Rize stopped her speech.

"She has already scouted the area ahead and found no signs of any disturbed earth. That is why she was gone so long. Isn't that true, Sam?"

"Very good." Sam clapped mockingly. "But I didn't have to check the ground. It was obvious to me last night that you had never seen this valley before." Rize nodded admiringly. "So, what was the plan? Take me on some wild goose chase and then shoot me in the back? You played me from the start. False entries in your journal. Gaining my confidence and tricking me into handing you over the holdall." Rize belly laughed as he bent double. "What's so funny?" Sam asked angrily.

"Oh, Sam, Sam, Sam. What are we going to do with you?" Rize continued to laugh.

"I asked you what's so funny, priest?" Sam practically spat the final words.

"Your act, of course." Rize replied as he continued to laugh. "Sitting there with feigned ignorance. Wounded that you have been so shockingly betrayed. Inconsolable at the thought that you were tricked into placing weapons in our hands, when all the time you carry the second pistol." Rize pointed to Sam's jacket pocket where one of her hands rested. "That is why you lounge like that with your hand in your pocket, is it not? A stance to set us off guard, all the while you maintain the perfect angle to shoot the both of us with the semi-automatic pistol in your pocket?"

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