Chapter 18 - The Price of Betrayal

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"They are at the outer gate." Kushtim said.

"How many?" Mayor Ardit asked as he stood from behind his desk.

"Just three."

"Do more follow?"

"Further back in the mountains. A much bigger force."

"Are they a threat?"

Kushtim shrugged his shoulders. "Difficult to say. They aren't armed."

"How are they dressed?"

"No armour. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for the crosses."


"Yes. They are adorned with crosses. They must be priests of some kind."

"So were the two who accompanied that bitch." Mayor Ardit spat as he spoke.

"Maybe they are from the same church?"

"Maybe?" Mayor Ardit shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, it does not matter. They are the ones she said to keep out?"

"Without a doubt. They have asked of her whereabouts."

"Have they given a reason why they follow her?"

"Only that she has wronged them, and they seek justice."

"Sounds reasonable." Mayor Ardit nodded his head as he spoke. "And familiar." He added with a small smile.

"What should we do?" Kushtim asked.

"She told us not to let them in?"

"She did."

"Because they would be a danger to us?"


"And do you consider three unarmed men a danger?"

"Not even with the losses we experienced at the factory." Kushtim said confidently.

"And what about the larger party which follows?"

Kushtim shrugged his shoulders. "We have seen off larger. As long as the gates are closed, they will not gain entry easily."

"And how do we feel about the bitch? Do we trust anything she has told us?"

"No." Kushtim replied with a smile. "We do not."

"Then let them in." Mayor Ardit smiled broadly.

"Welcome gentlemen. Please, take a seat." Mayor Ardit motioned for Nikola and his two colleagues to sit. Only Nikola responded to the invitation.

"It is our way." Nikola said with a warm smile as he gestured to his two colleagues, who remained standing. "A mark of respect to the position I hold."

"Of course, of course." Mayor Ardit said as he hesitated before taking his own seat. The two hooded men stood with their heads bowed to the floor. A sinister sight were it not for the fact that they were priests and the fact that none of the three men had objected to being searched. Still, Kushtim and the four guards who also occupied the large room were a sensible precaution.

"A drink?" Mayor Ardit motioned Muriel to serve his guests with some of his precious coffee.

"I will, thank you." Nikola said with a gracious bow of his head and smile for Muriel. "My colleagues will not."

"I understand that you are seeking information about a traveller who might have passed this way?" Mayor Ardit asked as he drunk in the aroma of his precious beverage.

"I am." Nikola said with a smile.

"I'm sure you will appreciate that all information has a value?"

"Of course." Nikola replied as he opened his arms wide.

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