chapter 4

45 5 14

As I reached the school building I stopped the car I can see thousands of students standing outside the car waiting to see who is inside the car.

I took a deep breath telling myself to calm down it's a big day and if I should not mess it up at any cost.

I opened the door and took my foot out .

As I came out I heard students gasp

Who is she ? Some girl

She's hot? Some boy

She looks similar .... Some other girl

Wtf did I changed that much I didn't even changed my hair TF why can't they remember me......I thought

Who are you? A boy said

Why tf do you care . I said and went inside the building

the same hallway same people but this time they were not looking at me weirdly they were fucking FOLLOWING me.

I went to the same locker as everyone gasped someone wrote on it with a compass


I knew who it was my blood boiled with anger as she came towards me


Hey bitch you know that by changing outfit you won't change a bitch will always be a bitch. Jen said

An you know a slut will always be a slut and yes am a bitch but a boss bitch. I said

TF wait I have to teach you a lesson. Jen said while coming closer to me

She raised her hands to slap me but I held it and twisted it she hissed in pain as I put her hand behind her back still holding it I took out my gun from my pocket and pointed at her head as she saw it she screamed as shout as she could hearing the sound the principal with some teachers came running towards us all the childrens including jungkook surrounded us

Principal- miss Esabell don't do it

Shut up. I said

Esabell don't do it for my sake I love her. Jungkook said

Oh love her she don't even love you she is cheating on you with this Ron guy. I said while pointing my gun at Ron

Hey tell the truth or else I'll shoot you with this Jen. I said

Pppppplease don't.... Ron said

Then tell the truth. I moved my gun while commanding him

Yes yes jungkook she don't love you she is using you for money and fame she is my gf. Ron said

W..w..wait d..d... don't lie Ron. Jen said

I pointed my gun to Jen and said tell the truth or else.

O...o.kay yea. Jen said

I looked up at jungkook he was shocked and frozen on the spot

I pointed my gun to ron.


I shot him

And then I pointed it to Jen


Straight on the head. I said hand dropped her body on the ground

Everyone was screaming and running except jungkook.



Hi kookies 💜💜💜 next chapter will be the last chapter so stay tuned coz am working on a new story yayyyyyy that will be an amazing story I swear

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