What Is Lore

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I woke up and hopped onto Minecraft. My friends made a new group chat called, "Crafters", my brain died. I joined their party chat and asked questions about the current situation as I also woke up late again. They explained to me how there was a tiny war between them and another team and now they split up. The border was split into to separate borders. We got the smaller one. I expected that. I logged onto the realm and moved to the smaller side of the border. The place was too small to rebuild my house because it was the size of a mansion so I had to make it into a hut. I looked at the other side and saw Ultimate's Team making castles in full netherite armour. I was about to give up as I knew they have the advantage with better gear. I never did and continued building. Five Minecraft Days passed, the house was perfect and we got some netherite. Everything was going smoothly. I kept my important items into my ender chest and walked onto the wall that split the borders. I look over and see ZSR talking to Ultimate. "What could they be planning now?" I spoke to myself. ZSR started going up their castle and placed red stone. "What the hell?" I thought. When he started placing dynamite, I knew what they were up to. I ran back down to the ground floor and ran over to the group while they were having a little chat near the campfire. "Guys! Guys! They're making a TNT cannon and are going to launch a tactical nuke into our area!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They looked confused. "That's not in the script..." Ty said. "What script!" I yelled in confusion. "We planned lore for today and bombing our area isn't in the script." Hayden replied. My brain exploded. I felt like I was interrupting something. I ran over to ZSR and Ultimate to find out what happened. Once I got over the wall, I heard Azorz yelling my name and all of the people from their side ran to me. The surrounded me with full enchanted netherite armpits and swords. Some even had crossbows. "What is this whole lore nonsense." I asked. "We don't care about the lore. We want war not roleplay." Azorz replied. "War? See this is why I don't join any realms with other people because they always start wars within one second." Ultimate said and sighed. "I agree with Ultimate. We are not starting a war. We made TNT cannons as decoration for our base." ZSR said. "Oh, that was decoration." I thought, feeling embarrassed. "I will be making my way out of here now..." I said and slowly walked backwards. "Stop, Lisha. You entered our territory. We made rules. Whoever goes in, never goes out. You're coming with us." Adam said and grabbed my arm. "You're crazy! I am not following you! Let me go back and I will stop!" I yelled, trying to make them release me. They did not fall for my tricks. They dragged me to the basement of their castle. They locked in me a jail cell and walked away. There was obsidian everywhere and only a one hole window. I peeked outside for anything that can help me escape but they immediately blocked it up. I was trapped in an obsidian prison with no escape. Without thinking, I kept on punching the obsidian blocks to break out and escape. A guardian effect came up on my screen and I jumped. That scared the living hell out of me. I had mining fatigue and it won't go away. I waited so long for it to go away and it did. I went back to mining then it happened again. I can never escape this hell. I joined a chat party my friends had started and yelled, "Guys! Help! I am trapped in the other side's basement! They have a jail cell covered in obsidian and there's an elder guardian somewhere that always gives me mining fatigue. Get. Me. Out.".

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