Breakout Into A War

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Above the surface, my team crafted, enchanted and found a lot of overpowered gear that could help me escape the hell prison. Sadly, Jason only had iron leggings and iron boots but that would do.

On the other team, Ultimate was guarding the entrance to the hallway of the jail cells. Each cell was a full obsidian cage with no windows or anything. I had some carrots with me so I didn't starve to death. He was being so serious about the whole jail thing that he acted like a real prison warden. He didn't even allow his own teammates to enter before doing a twenty minute check to see if they are allowed to enter. I was going to need more back up.

I messaged one of the enemies and asked if they could help me escape. They said no but I gave them an offering to try and make them think that I am on their side.

"I am going to give you all of my valuables if you break me out." I messaged, hoping he would fall for it.

Sadly, he didn't. He never falls for any tricks. It was Azorz. I waited impatiently for my escape. I am that impatient that I literally tried my best to break myself out just using my fists. It didn't work of course. If it did, I would've died in real life by the time I'm done.

My team got over the wall and stood near it, facing the enemies' team. Maya walked forward and so did Azorz. "Well. Gonna break out your friend, huh?" Azorz said with a smile. "Let her out." Maya demanded. "Let her out. Omg I'm scared." Azorz mocked. Maya was not happy. "Let. Her. Out. Just do it. Nobody will get hurt." Maya said. "Yeah, right. I won't fall for these tricks. Lisha even tried it on me. None of these tricks work. You're gonna try as hard as you can but none of it works." Azorz replied. Maya got out her axe and started running towards him and getting ready to swing it. Azorz blocked the attempt of murder with his shield. "Yeah, go on. Try." He said. Maya gave one more swing and damaged him. He almost died from that swing.

He gave a critical swing and actually killed her. He never thought that swing would kill her. Azorz dropped his axe in shock. Everyone gasped. Ultimate appeared from the top of the castle and walked to the front. "Five." A voice said. Everyone looked around and tried finding out who said that. "Why did you kill her..." Ty asked as tears slowly fell. "I did not mean to kill her-" Azorz said, trying to be sorry for what had happened. "Why. Did. You. Kill. Her!" Ty yelled as he swung his sword and killed Azorz. "Five." The voice said again. Everyone stood there and tried processing the events that just happened within those few minutes.

I sat in the corner of the cell, waiting for them to break me out. I heard the voice and was jumpscared. I looked in the virtual chat and saw that two of my friends had died. "What is going on..." I said to myself. I ate my last carrot and had to hope that they broke me out as fast as they could before I die of starvation. I couldn't hear any footsteps. All I heard was the sound of the elder guardian swimming in the water, the water splashing and my own breath. I thought it was the end for me. I thought this was how I died. Let's rewind to the beginning, this is Minecraft. This. Is. A. Game. I felt so ashamed. I could die and respawn at my bed or the spawn area. I waited for my hunger bars to go down and sat there patiently.

My team gathered together, facing the enemies and got out their weapons. The enemies did so as well. ZSR walked forward with a dynamite cannon behind him. Everyone knew what he was gonna do. Some ran towards him to try and stop him and stop the machine. Kaden gave one swing but it was too late. ZSR launched the cannon and dynamite flew to the wall. It made a hole in the wall and the rest flew into our border. It blew up a lot of houses. We got furious. Luke grabbed his crossbow and fired arrows of instant harming at them. ZSR ran back while Adam ate an enchanted golden apple and shielded up. He fired more arrows back at him and Luke eventually ran away. More shots were fired and there were injuries in the field. Luke ran towards Kaden who was already behind an unbroken wall. He hid with Kaden. "Kaden, I don't think we can make it out alive. One of us will die." Luke said. He was trying to get as much air as possible as he almost died. "Then I will." Kaden said.

He slid into the open where arrows were landing and ran towards to enemies with a sword in his right hand and a shield in the other. He let out a huge scream as he entered their territory. Dodging every arrow he could, he swung his sword, jumped onto a piece of dynamite that was shot into the air and he landed on the cannon and swung the sword which killed ZSR. Furious, Ultimate jumped down with a pick axe and it went through Kaden's skull which killed him. Hayden walked into the open with his hands in the air, showing that he has surrendered. "Stop! I am tired of people dying and me having to dodge every god damn arrow that was going to kill me. We didn't mean to start a war. Just let my wife out and we will be back to normal." He said. "Your Wife!" Everyone yelled in confusion. They never knew Hayden and I got engaged. They all went silent. Hayden just stood there in confusion. "I thought you guys went to the engagement party... You guys never went?" Hayden asked. "One word. Yes." Alex said. Hayden was showing a sign of shame and face palmed himself. "So, what are we waiting for? Are we gonna... wait where's Maya? I just saw her right after she respawned." Jason said. The castle alarm rang.

I was stuck in my prison, my hunger bars were empty. I knew it. I am gonna die and finally be free. Out of the blue, Maya came into my prison. She broke into here. I was very surprised. She gave me three golden apples. I took it and she directed me to an exit she mined. We both entered the tunnel as she blocked our backs with obsidian. We ran as fast as we can. We made it to Maya's kingdom. "Holy shit." I said.

"Where is Lisha!" Ultimate yelled as he opened my cell. He inspected everything but it didn't seem like there was an escape area. My teamates cheered but not for long. Ultimate ran out of the castle and towards Hayden. He swung his axe and killed Hayden. "Five." The voice repeated. Everyone ran away as fast as they could and retreated. Ultimate and his team went inside the castle and into lockdown mode.

Day Three of Realms, what just happened...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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