Chapter II: The Replacement

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Photo: My concept of Valkar Thorgautson. (Made in Artbreeder)

The days went on with many events occurring from Valkar's side. He placed his fleet around every possible entrance to the port in order to prevent other boats from entering Osar. His people lived on the edge of poverty and hunger prevailed all around. The brave ones though, who dared to protest, were captured and tortured as an example of discipline. He appointed some soldiers, granted to him by his former alliance, as high-ranking law enforcement officers. Of course they did not apply the laws, not even in the slightest. They were unfair and treated the people badly. Valkar could not care less about this situation. He had lost every trace of rationality. He was now a complete monster that only thought about one thing. Revenge.

Shortly after Falkor and Aredhel's betrayal, Valkar married a young woman. Indril was coming from a poor family and she was one of the prettiest women of Osar. Since Valkar wanted a heir, he had to get married soon, and that's how he came across Indril. One day he was walking around the village, escorted by his soldiers, inspecting and at the same time, searching for his future wife. While he was passing through the crowd, everyone humbly lowered their heads, as a sign of respect but also fear. Only one person dared not to lower her head. And that was Indril. Instead she glared at him with disgust and did not break eye contact for several seconds before squinting her eyes and going inside her house.

"Sir would you like us to imprison her?" One of Valkar's soldiers suggested after witnessing Indril's disrespect against his master.

"No there is no need for that. I have something else in mind for her." Valkar stroked his beard in thought.

And with that he returned back in his house. That night he was spinning around in his bed, unable to sleep because all he could think of were Indril's blue eyes that pierced his heart like ice stalactites. He wanted this woman to be his by any means possible. But no, he was not in love with her, he was certain of that. The only woman he ever cared about was Aredhel and he could not have her. His soul was filled with rage and, weirdly, this was the only time he was being rational. Valkar needed someone to take over him when he died and this was the only solution. He would never bring himself to admit it, but Indril intrigued him in a weird way. She was different than the rest women of Osar. And he was about to find that out soon.

He decided to keep an eye on her personally, so everyday he would disguise himself and without any of his guards he watched her engaging in plenty of chores around the village. He would also follow her around, and observe her. After a few days, he noticed that she would often have fights with her father. They were very poor and Valkar decided to use that to his advantage. Since he was watching her daily, he knew what time she would leave her house, so he followed her and then at one moment he pushed her in an alley where they were alone.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Indril shouted at him, whose face was covered in a dark cloak. He slowly removed the cloak while he was shushing her with his finger. "Do not shout my dear, what will people think of me?" Valkar chuckled.

"You...I know you've been following me but I didn't think you would show yourself. Now tell me what do you want." Indril growled at Valkar.

"Wow, you're one sharp-witted woman aren't you? And here I thought I wouldn't be noticeable."

Indril decided not to answer to his irony so instead she scowled at him. There it was, the look that Valkar was longing to see for so many days. Her piercing blue eyes were almost scary for an ordinary person but Valkar could not be intimidated that easily.

"I've been watching you for the past few days. I know what you're dealing with-"

"Stop, you do not know anything about me." Indril shouted in his face, unable to process his audacity. "Get out of my way and let me leave."

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