Chapter III: The Seer

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Image: My concept of Indril Thorgautson. (Made in Artbreeder)

"You understand that the situation is no longer reversible right? We have to guard our grounds and pray he won't gather more men. Or else, it'll be the end of us. Are you sure you can fight him?"

"Yes Knut, I'll do whatever it takes to protect my family. I've killed before, it's nothing I can't handle." Falkor murmured, avoiding to look in the hershir's eyes while he was lying in his face. He was filled with uncertainty. Since Falkor grew alongside Valkar, he still thought of him as his brother. But even so, the feeling of threat and fear, surpassed his own will.

During the time he was travelling, Falkor informed the other hersirs of the upcoming danger but many of them didn't take it into consideration. In the sight of disaster, another plan was devised. He decided to gather the finest and strongest warriors from other villages and give in into Valkar's provocation, which by all means was the last thing he wanted to do. 

Meanwhile back in Akrar, Aredhel couldn't sit idly by. Her recovery from birthing had yet to come but even that couldn't hold her back. She decided to act by assembling the shield maidens in the great hall.

"My proud shieldmaidens, I've called you here because we are in grave danger. My sisters, our village is threatened by Valkar Thorgautson. He boldly declared that he will destroy us and such foolish plans cannot go any further. My sisters, we need to defend our people. We need to fight for our home! I shall not leave Valkar or anyone else to try and corrupt our peace. I refuse!" Aredhel shouted to empower the shieldmaidens.

The shieldmaidens cheered back loudly, showing their courage and their will to fight for their village. Their shouts of excitement echoed everywhere. Aredhel decided to disobey Falkor's orders and informed the whole village afterwards. Thankfully, all were inspired by the courage of their leaders and their shieldmaidens that they decided to help. The fishermen gathered more fish, the blacksmiths made more weapons and whoever wished to, was trained by Aredhel to handle a weapon and fight. After Falkor returned to Akrar, everyone was prepared for battle and all they kept their guard up for an ambush. And so they waited and waited but Valkar never attacked. It was strange really.

A few months later, everyone seemed to return back to their daily lives, forgeting about Valkar's provocation. Everyone except Falkor who had been overtaken by paranoia. He was convinced that Valkar wouldn't be idle and do nothing. This obsessive idea began to affect his relationship with Aredhel, who was very worried about him.

"You need to stop this Falkor! It's been almost a year since then. You heard what the other Hersires said to you." Aredhel said desperately.

"It doesn't matter!" Falkor shouted to her face. "They don't know what I saw that day, his eyes were filled with pure evil. He will attack and when he does, none of us will be saved."

"You're scaring me, you're not the man I fell in love with anymore. You have been neglecting our daughter too." Aredhel cried.

"Don't bring Eldrid into this. I don't care who I become as long as I protect you. You'll be thanking me one day." Falkor looked at Aredhel coldly before taking his sword for his usual night patrol. But she grabbed his arm before he could step outside.

"At least go see the seer." Aredhel said softly, trying to put some sence in him.

"You know I don't believe in his sayings. You're wasting my time." Falkor releashed his arm from her grip and turned his back at her.

"Do it for our daughter, you must!" Aredhel demanded.

But Falkor said nothing to her and just left for the port. As he was sitting by the wooden dock, his mind wandered to his wife's words. Deep down, he hated seeing her drift away from him. He was at fault but Falkor knew best than letting his guard down. In the end, he reconsidered about going to the seer. Maybe he could give the anwser to his problems. But if he'd leave now, the village would stay unprotected since he was the only one patroling. It was indeed a difficult decision.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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