Why Can't We Talk About Bruno?

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So, you lovely reader out there have THREE things to look forward to!

1. Oscar's analysis of the most popular song in the movie "We Don't Talk About Bruno."

2. A NEW OC!

       a. Fuerza: Mariano's slightly unintelligent but very friendly and mannerly Argentinian Mastiff. He makes a cameo in this chapter, with about two lines, but he'll make a more major appearance as the story moves forward. The name "fuerza" means force, strength, and/or power. Voiced by Puerto Rican rapper, singer, and songwriter Daddy Yankee.

3. Oscar meets his tío Bruno!

And I think that's about it! ¡Disfrútala!

DO NOT ask me how we crossed that gap and got down all those steps. Just don't. We found a way to get across again, we're safe and we're alive. That's all you need to know.

We rushed out of Bruno's room and turned a corner. Unfortunately we bumped into Abuela. "Where are you two coming from in such a hurry?" She asked.

"I'm sorry, I was—"

"What is in your hair?"

Aw jeez. "Well, you see, what happened was—"

I was interrupted by the sound of crying, of which came from none other than... Luisa, who trudged up the stairs behind Abuela. "My gift! I'm losing my gift!" She said, upset.

"What?" I mouthed. 

"Mirabel, Oscar, and I were having this little talk about me carrying too much, so I tried not to carry so much, but I realized it was putting me behind, and I knew I was gonna let everyone down, and I felt REALLY BAD, so I was grabbing all the donkeys, but then when I went to throw the donkeys in the pond, they were... Heavy!"

Does 'saying a giant mouthful of sentences in only one breath' hereditary in this family? Or at least on Julieta's side? First Mirabel, now Luisa!

She cried as she ran to her room. Poor girl... "What did you do? What did you two say to her?" Abuela asked, concerned. "We didn't— we didn't say ANYTHING to her!" I answered. The bells rang in town, leaving Abuela torn. 

"I have to go get the Guzmáns for Isabela's engagement. Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her. Tonight, we can't have any more problems." She said, heading for the stairs. "And whatever you two are doing, stop doing it!" And with that, she went down the stairs.

I clicked my tongue, nonchalantly shaking my head. "Lo siento, Abuela. No can do. We have a mystery to solve and magic to preserve. Onward bound, mi prima.


Once we were inside Mirabel's room, she pulled out the shards from Bruno's vision. "Why are we in your vision, tío Bruno?" She asked to herself. Suddenly, a flash of thunder and lightning shook the room. 

Scaring the living daylights out of me, I yeowled, jumping as high as he ceiling, stuck to it thanks to my claws, tail enormously puffed up. Breathing heavily, I looked down and saw tía Pepa, frazzled, in the doorway. "Tía, jeez..." Mirabel said, hiding the shards. There are now 16 more claw marks on this ceiling...

Is is just me... Or does she seem to always have a cloud whenever we bump into each other?

"Sorry, I- I didn't mean to-" She looked up at the cloud above her, "Shoo, shoo, shoo!" And closed the door on it. Okay, that was funny. My mood lightened somewhat, I retracted my claws, turning myself over so I landed on my feet. "I just wanted to grab the last of Toñito's things, and then I heard..." 

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