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THE SILENCE WAS THICK LIKE butter. Two figures walked in the dark with one being impressively tall and the other being impressively short. If they had brought along one more member to be in the middle, they would've formed a nice line going from tallest to shortest... but that's beside the point.

The shorter one fidgeted with the hem of her yellow sleeves, trying her best to keep up with the other's pace. Walking at night was scary, but walking with [Y/N] at night felt even scarier! Even if it was dark, his empty gaze still reflected clearly in his eyes whenever she looked up at him. Just what went on inside his head? And was he really the same age as her? (Seriously--he must've had something special put into his water to make him that tall.)

An abrupt stop sent Gaeul jumping back in fear. Finding and gripping the male's hoodie, her eyes flickered to and fro, trying to distinguish whatever it was that made him stop in the first place.

He turned his head to her, looking down and laughing nervously, "I'm, uh... not a fighter, so if anything happens, run away."

She stared back at him, blank-faced. Then why'd he even volunteer to come in the first place? she thought, trying to hide her slight annoyance. And how many times is he gonna say that he's not a darn fighter?!

"Don't worry," she found herself saying anyways, grateful that they were in the dark, "I've got a pretty mean right hook! Boss--I mean, Hobin--has been teaching me a bit of his stuff." More like I've been copying him whenever he was practicing, but it's not like [Y/N]'s gonna know.

[Y/N] nodded, giving her a small smile. "Alright. I'm counting on you, then."

They continued to walk together, making sure to stay close to the other's side. It was awkward, but who could blame them? Just thirty minutes ago, they were talking in Mindeulle's home before [Y/N] offered to go see if anything was suspicious around Rumi's place. Hobin and Snapper would've went too, but somebody had to stay with Rumi in case it truly was a set up of some sorts. Naturally, Gaeul offered to go with their new acquaintance because if some crazy stalker was stalking the beauty Newtuber, then she could just run off to tell everybody else!

Yeah... Their thinking was pretty skewed. If anything, Hobin could've went and Gaeul could've stayed, but the unnervingly quiet [Y/N] left so suddenly that they barely had any time to react.

"Is this the place?" his voice cut through the night, soft and low.

"Yeah. It's up ahead, so be careful!"

"I still don't understand why we have to avoid the streetlights..."


Coming up to an everyday neighborhood, the unlikely pair stayed silent as Gaeul began to take the lead. She led the taller male to a house--Rumi's, he assumed--and motioned for him to catch up. Together, they slowly circled the area. Nothing seemed off; there were a few people out and about with some walking their dogs and others staring at the two teenagers weirdly. They exchanged a series of unsure glances upon noticing said stares, not oblivious to the way one elderly man was reaching for his phone after they passed him for the third time.

Now we're the stalkers... they thought to themselves, sharing a singular brain cell with each other for the moment.

"We're only being creepier if we're staying quiet." The ever so sharp [Y/N] broke the silence once again, keeping his posture lax. "Let's... have a conversation."

Gaeul could only nod solemnly, all the while thinking to herself, I should've stayed with Goldilocks. This was an odd situation--she, a young, blossoming teenager walking alone with a good looking young man like [Y/N]? Her pops would freak! (Especially since he couldn't fight!) Other girls her age would've been envious of her, yet... she still found herself wishing for Hobin to be with her instead.

dandelion flow [viral hit / m! reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن