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Mickey awoke abruptly to the door being banged on loudly. He heard Donald shout into the room.


Turns out the sound of him pissing and crying would wake up his beloveds. He stopped, changed, and the three went out to meet up with Donald. Donald then explained to them that Gladstone Gay- i mean Gander invited the McDucks to visit him at some casino in Macaw.

"Why don't you guys come with? Since you're here and all??" He asked.

"We'd love to Donald!" Minnow said as Pluto borked in agreement. Mickey nodded his head firmly in agreement with his boo bear beloveds.

"Okay great!

Now go put on something nice so you don't look like an embarrassment to this family. If you do we will exile you. We are not afraid to exile our own children, we will exile you outsiders at the blink of an eye."

Micwpluto stared in horror.

"K see ya later Mick!!" Donald said cheerfully. Mickey watched him skip away, and his only thought was 'where did that pink fairy tutu come from and how come donald wasn't wearing it before????' But anyways that isn't important. What is important is that Micwpluto were getting dressed up in super snazzy outfits for their vacay to Macaw!!!!! omg!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pluto was wearing a dress, Minnow was wearing a suit, and Mickey was going nakey. The McDucks seemed to approve, so micwpluto got in the plane. Della wasn't flying bc she would somehow magically get them all crashed on the moon. cough cough Anygays Launchpad was flying and they all crashed. Except the kids. None of the kids were there... Mickey tried to remember why.

"We're going back to Macaw with Micwpluto!" Donald had said.

"Haha no they're not." Louie appeared out no where and grabbed literally all the children. Huey, Dewey, Webby, June, May, and Gosalyn were snitchity snatched. "I'll be taking them until this crack fest is over." And then they were all gone... probably bc the author felt bad for torturing their poor duck babies like this...

Mickey shrugged his shoulders. That probably made sense to someone out there. That someone wasn't him tho. Anygays, the squad got out of the crashed plane. They ran into Gladstone Gander!

"Hey, my favorite cousins omg hii!!!"

listen reader... mickey and minnow have a really deep dark secret. you cant tell anyone tho >:(
they're gonna....

to pluto.

shhh... don't tell anyone 🤫

Mickey glanced at his hubby Minnow, who pocketed his ring slowly to demonstrate that he had it. Mickey grinned in excitement. He couldn't wait to officially welcome his boo bear Pluto into the family. He couldn't help but glance at the pup in question, who was staring at Mickey's naked butt with his lovey dovey doggy eyeballs.  Mickey sighed as he watched Pluto's doggy eyes fill with lust. He sat down in the casino chair in the casino Gladstone took them too, and his doggy boyfriend's face fell, until it perked up again when he looked down.................

Anygays Gladstone was busy annoying Donald who looked about ready to kill anyone in that room, so Mickey stepped very discreetly and nonsuspiciously over to Minnow, who also discreetly and nonsuspiciously pulled out his ring. Mickey attempted to do the same, but quickly realized he had lost the ring!!!! Oh noooo!!! Mickey looked around in panic when suddenly Gladstone called out.

"Hey, a wedding ring!" He got on his knee and picked it up. Right in front of Pluto. Kinda looked like he was-

Omg there he goes folks- Mickey absolutely destroys Gladstone in an epic attack of "ram the goose." Mickey then gets on his knee, Mjnnow following his hubby.

"Pluto my lovely love-y bear..? Will you marry us??" The Micw of Micwpluto asked. Pluto's doggy eyes filled with canine tears. Mickey was afraid he'd done something wrong, since Pluto wasn't responding. The adult ducks watched in anticipation (minus Della, she got hitted by a car.)

"Omg......" Pluto said, his doggy self not helping with the suspense.



The Live Laugh and Loves of Micwpluto (Mickey x Pluto x TransMasc!Minnie)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora