Chapter 20: Innocent

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This chapter contains violence and mature content. Reader discretion is advised.

I made sure to lock my room door before going out. In case anyone would look for me in the middle of the night. At least, they would think I'd been sleeping and dreaming. Well, I wished I was just dreaming. 

I pulled myself up. I lifted the hood, avoiding catching attention. But I was only overreacting for sure. No one was here. Students were not even allowed to go out this time. But here I was, calling the bravery from me. The moon was shining brightly. The stars had been twinkling. For most people, this night was peaceful. But for me, this night was just one of my dark nightmares. 

Though I bundled my body up safely in this hoodie jacket, I could still feel the cold breeze on my skin. My eyes darted around and felt the cameras around monitoring my every move, but I thought Greg had turned them down now. I walked casually across the building to another building. The feeling of the first night when I watched Greg's technique was slowly spinning my stomach. I finally reached the corridor and crouched beside the lockers at the dark side of it. But I still didn't feel safe. I couldn't sense Greg's existence anywhere. But I stayed there and waited until I heard some familiar footsteps. 

I craned my neck to check who it was. At the other end of the corridor, the director stood there smoking a cigarette. He was on the phone, talking to someone who might be very important since he had to go outside just to talk. I leaned back against the wall and tried to fight my anxiety. I was sure he won't walk around here or look for students lurking around. 

After some minute, he had gone. 

Then Greg suddenly appeared at the same spot where the director had gone. 

Had he been caught? But no. He was casually standing there in his normal gestures and facial expression. He was wearing his black hoodie, but he didn't lift the hood. He wasn't even nervous. After looking around, he began to walk in my direction. He knew I was here. "Stand up. They're coming now." 

I slipped my hands in my pocket and took a deep breath after holding a lot. "Didn't you see the director?" I asked. 

He shook his head while looking somewhere. "Yea, that's why I went somewhere to hide." 

That was sort of a relief for me. I didn't know why. But maybe because of the anxiety of Greg being caught and him mentioning my name as his conspirator to whatever he had done in the past. I would've been so done for when that happened. 

In the next few minutes of silence, we already heard the footsteps coming near us. We hid beside the locker. Greg whispered, "You gotta grab one of them." 

"What?" I asked in confusion. "

You won't kill them, just grab one of them because I won't be able to do it all alone," he said. 

I was about to complain when we sensed that they were going closer. Greg counted to ten before he appeared and showed himself to the teachers. I had a quick view of the corridor, but there were only two of them. A woman in a black uniform and a man in jeans. 

"Where is the other one?" I heard Greg whisper. 

From his expression, I thought we were done for. 

"Are you a student?" the woman asked in a nasty tone. Both of them didn't stop walking. They never knew what would happen to their lives once they got near Greg. 

The man shook his head and pointed a finger at Greg. "You're not allowed to go outside! I will call the director to suspend..."

 Greg smirked and pulled the knife out. "Do it, then."

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