Plane Rides

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Hello! So I've looked all over for some Ralph Fiennes books and can't find any so I'm taking one for my own team and writing some myself. I cant promise this book will be updated regularly but i will try.


Todays the day, your first time on an airplane in over 20 years. You were 10 the last time you were on an airplane and you can't remember any of your experience. You don't even know if you are scared of planes or not. The thought of getting on one doesn't scare you, but your fiance Ralph told you there is every possibility your fear could present itself during take off. Being an actor he's been on many planes and has seen this happen many times.

In the morning he woke you up with breakfast in bed around 10am. He has been trying to keep you as calm as possible the last few days leading up this trip. He understood that neither of you knew for sure whether or not you would have a reaction to flying but he also knew that you were prone to panic attacks and he wanted to do whatever he could to keep you from stressing over the trip. Sometimes you stressed yourself out with knowing it, it would show up all at once and you would find yourself freaking out over things that didn't bother you the day before.

"Darling, time to wake up." He called as he placed the tray on the bedside table. He saw you fighting to wake up so he sat down on the side of the bed and placed a sweet kiss on your temple. "That's it sweetheart nice and easy."

"Mm." You groaned sitting up. First thing you did was plant a firm but gentle kiss on his lips. "Morning darling. What's all this?" You asked motioning to the tray of food.

"I made us breakfast in bed." He said nonchalantly.

"Awe thank you, that's so sweet." He sat beside you and moved the tray between you both to share. 2 thin crepes with a little chocolate drizzle and some fruit. He didn't want to give you a heavy breakfast just in case you got sick on the flight. He made you both a cup of coffee and for him a glass of OJ and you a glass of milk.

"We need to be in the car by 10am so we can get to the airport and through security by 1pm." He explained.

"Is airport security really as bad as they say? Or is that just a way to scare people into not being late for their flights?" You asked, sipping your coffee.

"No it's really that big of a hassle believe me. Security is the reason not everyone enjoys flying." He answered. He had had his fill and sat back against the headboard putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you to cuddle against his side. "How are you feeling?"

"Darling I'm starting to think your more nervous about this than I am. I think I'll be okay." You smiled. You loved how much he cared for you.

"I just don't want you to feel overwhelmed. If you don't want to go we can cancel the flight and."

"Ray, my love." You interrupted him, cupping his cheeks. "I feel fine. I love you for being so concerned for me and I understand that we don't know how I'm going to react but I want to go. I promise." You insisted, pecking his lips.

"I'm happy to hear that. I'll be right next to you the whole time." You stared into his baby blues and kissed his nose before pulling back.

"I think we should hop in the shower. You stink." You giggled when you saw his fake hurt expression.

"Well, I am hurt Miss Y/L/N." He put his hand in front of his heart.

"Oh I'm so sowwy baby." You baby talked to him. "Tell you what if you go get the shower ready I can make it up to you." You smirked.He got up and ran to the bathroom making you laugh. He was so adorable and you loved him so much.

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