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"Oh my God you don’t have a nose.”  You teased your husband as he was showing you the poster for the third Harry Potter film where they finally introduced him as Lord Voldemort. You found so much amusement in this you were bent over laughing.

“Ha, ha you're so funny.”  He thought it was cute that you found so much amusement in this.  

“Now I know why you hate Harry Potter so much. He stole your nose.”  You were cracking up. “And you're wearing tights!”  

“You know there is a premier coming up but if you keep being a brat I won’t invite you.” He smirked.  You stopped laughing and gave him a fake pout, sticking your lips out and giving him some puppy dog eyes. 

“You wouldn’t exclude me. Who would you have on your arm to walk down the red carpet.”  You sassed back. He let out a small chuckle.  “I can’t believe they took your nose.”  You said again, caressing the side of his nose.  

“Good, it’s about time.”  He joked.

“Awe, I love your pretty nose.”  You pecked the tip of his nose. 

“It’s too big.”  He commented.  

“You know what they say, big nose big… Nevermind.”  You stopped yourself when you saw him raise his eyebrow.  

“Brat.”  He mumbled.  

“You love me.”  

“Yes, I do. Now we need to decide what we're going to wear to the premier.”

“Well Voldemort is a slytherin, so why not wear dark green?  I can find a nice dress to wear and you can wear a dark green dress shirt and maybe a silver tie?”  You suggested.  

“I think that would look great. I love you in green.”  He smirked.  

“And of course you think you’re gonna get lucky that night.”  You shook your head.  He smirked.

“Maybe.” He chuckled.  

“If you behave.”  You pecked his lips this time then left the room, his eyes naturally falling to your ass. 


The day of the premier

“Darling, wake up.” He whispered in your ear from his position behind you in bed.  

“Mm, no.”  He chuckled.  

“We have to pick up your dress and my suit, then I’ll take you out to lunch and get your makeup. But you gotta get up.”  He sang in your ear.  

“Mm, snuggle me for a few minutes.” You whined, turning around in your bed and nuzzling into his neck. 

“Alright, but only for a few minutes.”  He insisted as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you flush against his front.  

“Mm hm.” You yawned in reply.  

After 10 more minutes you finally resurrected yourself from bed. After Ralph got up and pulled the blankets off you, throwing them on the floor at the bottom of your bed.  After a few choice words you waddled your tired little ass to the bathroom and started getting ready to leave for the day.  

You kept it casual for now. A nice hoodie and a pair of black jeans. Ralph of course wore his black and white adidas track suit with a black tee shirt underneath so he could keep it unzipped.  A very laid back look for both of you. Typically you would try to dress a little nicer if you were going out somewhere because you both knew how the paparazzi could be.  So you tried to dress your best, but seeing as you would both be all dressed up tonight you knew you both couldn’t deal with it all day and all night.  

Ralph Fiennes OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now