Baby Fever (includes Alan Rickman)

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Your husband came home about a week ago and asked you if you would take part in the Harry Potter films. He wanted you to play a death eater, he said it would be very easy and that you have no lines.

"Are you sure this is okay? I'm not British and you know JK only wants people from England or Scotland to be in the movie." You added as you stood in the kitchen preparing dinner for the night.

"I know darling but as I said you have no lines. The only reason JK doesn't want people from other countries is because she doesn't want fake British accents and since you have no lines there's no need to worry. Please, this is a great way for us to see each other every day, you know how much filming has taken up my time lately, I miss you." He pleaded, kissing your temple. "Alan will be there." He added.

You and Ray were good friends with Alan and Rima, they acted like your siblings in a way. Alan was like your very, VERY overprotective older brother. There was a time when you and Alan were walking down the street and a man catcalled you and Alan turned like he was going to say something rather vulgar so you pulled him away. Alan and Rima also came over the house for dinner rather often, especially when they were filming one of the Harry Potter movies. They came over about once a week and when he wasn't filming one of the Potter films he would stop by whenever he was in the neighborhood for a cup of tea or just to sit and catch up. Alan's new favorite question was when you and Ray were going to have a baby. He knew you both wanted one and now that you had been married over a year you wanted to start trying once his schedule cleared a bit. But he would constantly tease you about it.

"This room would make a nice nursery." He winked at you and Ray during one of your visits making you all laugh. You felt for him, you truly did. You knew Alan wanted kids but Rima didn't and being the sweet man he is he gave up on that dream for her. Ray also knew that he wanted you both to have kids so he could spoil them rotten. He's also hinted at babysitting a few times, he really just wanted to hold a baby in his arms.

"Well I'm sure when the time comes you can come over and help decorate your godchild's nursery." You smiled.

"M-my godchild?" He stuttered. You and Ray hadn't told him yet you were planning to make him the godfather of your future child but he deserved it. He was like the brother you never had, he cared for you, gave you advice, listened to you when you needed someone to talk to. He loved you and Ray like family and you loved him and Rima like family.

"Yes Alan, we want you to be the godfather of our first child." You replied.

"If anything were to ever happen to us we know that no one in this world would take better care of them than you would." Ray added.

"That means so much. Thank you."


"Okay fine I'll be a death eater but you have to not get mad when I make fun of you when you're covered in colorful dots and wearing your tights and garter." You pointed a warning finger at him.

"I won't get mad I promise. All you have to do is sit there and look mean. Which shouldn't be hard for you considering you're due to start your period soon." He commented the last part as he was walking away. You threw a piece of carrot at his head and he laughed.


You had now been on set with your husband filming for a little over a month. You didn't know a lot of these people besides your husband and Alan and they both knew how shy you were when it came to being in places where you didn't know a lot of people so they both stayed pretty close to you. They didn't have too many scenes together so when one was filming the other was by your side.

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